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Joined: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:41 pm


Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:55 pm


I wrote a little open source program to search and download subtitles using OS API.

The features are:

- search by query / hash video / mixed
- see every details of the subtitles founded and organize as you want
- download subtitles near the video or in a base directory
- automatically change the encoding of the subtitles if needed, which often resolve all accents problem
- link a video hash to an already existing subtitle to share with others
- see informations and comments and also display information as you want
- see the advancement of transactions with OS server
- the gui do not freeze

You're welcome to test and use it ! It is available now for win32 and linux32 (debian based like ubuntu) as binaries, and you can compile it on others architectures.

It is an open source program, and free (as free bier) furthermore :)

Based on QT (so I may add other architectures later, like win64, mac, linux64) and at this time available in english and french.

You can download it and have more information on the project page, or on the web page associated

Don't forget to leave comments !

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Re: OpenSubtitlesSearch

Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:15 am

really nice. free and nice programs using OS are growing every day!

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