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Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:20 pm

This is bull****. I installed the player, it didn't work for any movie I tried. I went back to WMP, and guess what? Video and audio were garbled.

Uninstalled OpenSubtitles Player, reinstalled CCCP, still no good. ****.

I love, it's by far the best subtitle website. I even donated some time ago. But don't do this **** ever again. Don't release software that wasn't thoroughly tested. I'm really pissed off right now, because I can't watch anything.


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Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:28 pm

Always we have issues with 1% of instalments. You are this example. It's important what you wrote, that your WMP doesn't work.. This shows that your Windows is messy.

The codecs that are installed with the OSPlayer will make direct communication with the program, to avoid messy systems. For the first time please always do things like this:
- First switch in the filters Vdieo for Overlay Mixer (filtrs > video output > Overlay Mixer) this usually helps.
- Send us information about the file (Go to the filters > file information) you want to play or just send this file on email/ftp to us.

We got daily thousands instalments of this program and always try to help our users. To solve it though we need to know more from you about it.

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Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:00 pm

I use OSPlayer and opensubtitles with pleasure.

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Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:34 pm

This shows that your Windows is messy.
That is one mighty strong argument, and one that may not be true considering the myriad of configurations (valid ones) that may exist.

Shouldn't the player make some basic checks and refuse to work if the current set-up is not the appropriate one?
[url=]OpenSubtitles from your desktop: SolEol for Mac/Windows/Linux[/url]
[url=]My current episode processing work flow[/url].

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Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:38 am

eduo, it's great suggestion I will put this to the wish list for the new releases. Further more we did notice that many of the users don't upgrade the graphic cards drivers and use the system ones which brings additional problems as they are not optimized at all and bring issues.

To avoid problems, is better off to do not use ffdshows or codec packs as they often are combining spy/virus add ons. For that we suggest to uninstall any video codecs/codec packs and use the codec scanner that is in the setup (LiveUpdate) that will scan the system to find good (not always the latest - as many of them are unstable) codecs and download from our servers. Once this is done - there is no chance that the video file is not working even on the messy system as the codecs like in VLC will "talk directly" with the OSPlayer.

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opensubtitles player

Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:02 pm

i am curious about something regarding this player. i have downloaded it and it seems to work decently..i tought this would be more useful than other players since i wouldn't have to spend time searching for subs and all that but actually i find it kind of see i have this movie "Funny People" and even though your player only found me two romanian subs when i chose "search for the right subtitle" i came here and found the exact sub i was looking for (portuguese) only i had to do it has i always do: manually. i think you should put effort into improving this feature since it is (to me at least) the most atractive feature in the software. i haven't checked with other movies but if it happened with this release i'm preety sure it's not the only one.

thanks in advance and hopefully you'll answer this post

my regards :wink:

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Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:26 pm

this sucks! :x

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Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:25 am

be patient please, we are not working 24 hours per day. So why opensubtitles player didnt find subtitles for your movie, and you found it on website ? It is easy, if you know how working hashing, you will know, that your movie was not paiered with given subtitles, which you found on website. So, give another try, also when you are finished looking movie, with subtitles, try to search for those subtitles using opensubtitles player - and vioal - it should work. Let me know. And dont write this sucks.

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Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:45 pm

[quote="CaioRearte"]This is bull****. I installed the player, it didn't work for any movie I tried. I went back to WMP, and guess what? Video and audio were garbled.

Uninstalled OpenSubtitles Player, reinstalled CCCP, still no good. ****.

I need some help, same thing happened to me. In reply to this post admin wrote that the fact WMP doesnt play shows the Windows is messy. But my WMP functioned fine before I installed OpenSubtitles Player.
So - I installed, all I got after opening movie was a black screen. I uninstalled, now WMP doesnt open nor dvds nor cds automatically like it used to, I got a message saying I need to associate file with program in Default Programs. The files are still associated with uninstalled OpenSubtitles player. When I right click on dvd drive, it shows mi options: open with VLC media player, Open with OpenSubtitles - the option open with WMP just vanished! How do I get it back? And how can I get rid of option: open with OpenSubtitles Player, which doesnt work since I uninstalled it?
1. I think you should put a warning into installation: Open Subtitles Player will now become your default player, once you uninstall it you will have trouble playing anything.
2. The uninstallation process should be improved.
3. Please include some tutorial for dummies.

Please help me with some suggestions if you can. Do you have any idea why the player didnt play anything in the first place? I am a pretty basic computer user, only download programs from professional sites and never had this kind of problems. I need to get rid of Open Player ghost in my comp so that my cds and dvds play and dont know how. Thank you

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Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:36 pm

OSPlayer has two video output modes so if there is any problem wit playing try to change video output in filters (on default skin filters button -> video output).

Did installed codecs from OSPlayer Liveupdate?
We recommend uninstalling any other codecpacks (especially RealPlayer), they may cause codec conflicts and then download all codecs from Liveupdate.
If there are still problems redownload them with option register (settings -> Liveupdate -> Advanced Settings -> By downloading codesc register them then in Liveupdate -> Codec - Analysis tool -> Advanced button and mar all codecs as checked to download them).

About leaving option "Open with OpenSubtitles" there is in fact small bug in uninstall and we will fix that, thanks for info.

If unistallation of OSPlayer didn't change back file associations to default then you must open program that you want to be associated with them and find in it option like "file associations".

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Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:14 am

I can't belive, for bad reasons though. A player with the name "Open" and it's proprietary/closed software.
With lots of cool free software/open-source software video players out there, which are also cross-platform! And you guys are going to rely on a proprietary program that runs only on Windows.
You say it's safe to use it, but how can i be sure of that?? Do i have to blindly belive?

I think you'll probably benefit much more by releasing your program under a free (as-in-freedom) license.

Just my 2 cents.

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Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:54 pm

That's interesting opinion, name "OpenSubtitles Player" means it's player released for OpenSubtitles users (and not only for them). :)

In future are plans to make this player running also on other systems than windows.

You don't have to "blindly believe", you may read reviews.

There are lot different licenses for software but always more advanced programs technologically has closed sources, even on open source systems.

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Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:50 pm

Yes, i know it comes from OpenSubtitles, but the name Open in OpenSubtitles is there for a reason that relates to freedom, and this program is nothing but against freedom and openness.

"In the future..."
Well the future could be now, if more people could contribute to the code the program could be already cross-platform, we're just delaying the 'evolution' for no reason.

Reviews? If the guys from the reviews didn't see the source code how can they assure me it's safe? Just because the anti-virus didn't say it was a virus? :roll:

"always more advanced programs technologically has closed sources"

LOL, i think we live in different worlds, seriously.
First, why do you give the idea that this program is technologically advanced? Because i don't see anything that puts it ahead of the free (as-in-freedom) players out there.
And secondly that's a pure lie. I'm guessing you never heard about GNU/Linux, OpenOffice, GIMP, Audacity, Firefox, Apache, and the list goes on.
Well if they're not technologically advanced i don't know why they're used by millions of people and supported by many companies and other entities.

I'm sorry you think the way you do, it's just going to harm this project.

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Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:29 pm

Reviews? If the guys from the reviews didn't see the source code how can they assure me it's safe? Just because the anti-virus didn't say it was a virus? :roll:
1)You know that program isn't safe if your computer starts acting strange after running it (not mater if anti-virus says it's safe).
2)Even if you have sourecode and you're native programmer of it's language still you can't be sure if that code is safe or not when code is more complex.
3)I don't believe that you read and analyze sources of any program you download before you install it, that would need too much time (did you ever tried to read sources of linux kernel :?: ).
And secondly that's a pure lie. I'm guessing you never heard about GNU/Linux, OpenOffice, GIMP, Audacity, Firefox, Apache, and the list goes on.
Yes, I've heard and tested them (and many others). I didn't suggest they aren't advanced (also i think they are good) but they all have equivalents that are even better and even more advanced.
I also tested some native linux programs (some of them are open source and some are closed and shareware - on linux) and that payed were incomparably better, seriously.

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Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:40 am

Reviews? If the guys from the reviews didn't see the source code how can they assure me it's safe? Just because the anti-virus didn't say it was a virus? :roll:
1)You know that program isn't safe if your computer starts acting strange after running it (not mater if anti-virus says it's safe).
2)Even if you have sourecode and you're native programmer of it's language still you can't be sure if that code is safe or not when code is more complex.
3)I don't believe that you read and analyze sources of any program you download before you install it, that would need too much time (did you ever tried to read sources of linux kernel :?: ).
1) If my computer never acts "strangely" it means all the programs are safe? That's a big supposition to make, because behind the GUI there's many stuff going on, stuff you can't really know without the source code. Btw, why does the developer choose what's safe for me? I think i'm grown up, i should choose what to do with the program and not the developer choosing for me.
2)Sure, it's possible. But remember, there are approximately 7 billion people on this planet, don't you think someone could know and would be willing to?
3)You're right again. And i would say more: that's impossible. No developer, no matter how skilled he is, he can't read all the source of the programs he installs. That's why we need to do this together.
I haven't checked linux sources, but many people from the free software and open-source software communities have, and have contributed to it.
That's one more benefit that everyone gets when a program is released under a free-as-in-freedom license. Anyone can contribute to it, which leads into a faster development and more innovation.
And secondly that's a pure lie. I'm guessing you never heard about GNU/Linux, OpenOffice, GIMP, Audacity, Firefox, Apache, and the list goes on.
Yes, I've heard and tested them (and many others). I didn't suggest they aren't advanced (also i think they are good) but they all have equivalents that are even better and even more advanced.
I also tested some native linux programs (some of them are open source and some are closed and shareware - on linux) and that payed were incomparably better, seriously.
I think you're judging them also by which has most market share. And obviously with more market share, more companies will support those programs or OSes. But this doesn't mean they're technically better.
Well some of them really have superior proprietary alternatives (like GIMP and Photoshop). But other software like Apache, Firefox and also GNU/Linux are at least equivalent to the proprietary alternatives.

Anyways, you have your opinion, i have mine and both should be respected. But everyone would benefit much more from a free-as-in-freedom program than a proprietary one.

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