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Joined: Fri Nov 28, 2014 5:58 pm

Get Subtitles Downloader Software Released for Android

Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:10 pm

Sunny Appz is pleased to announce our latest app, Get Subtitles Downloader, which makes use of the OpenSubtitles API. The app automatically scans your Android phone or tablet for video and movie files, and presents the available subtitles that can be downloaded. The subtitles file is then downloaded to the movie folder. After that you can launch your favorite video player from within the app.

We give many thanks to the OpenSubtitles team for their support and of course making this all possible.

The app can be downloaded here ... tSubtitles, please try it and leave any comments or suggestions below.

We will be adding more features in the future, and also translating the interface into other languages, apart from English.


Matthew Sun

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