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Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:50 am

nb000: translation module is ready and you can start translate :) do you have access ?

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Sat Aug 04, 2007 10:17 am

Yes, I have access.
And the translation is done now.

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Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:07 pm

yes, I saw - thank you very much :)

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Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:54 pm

So the online translations are ready (see blog for more info).

Now it's up to me to implement updates of languages in Oscar. This might take some time as I'm currently busy on other projects. I'll try to implement this in the first two weeks of september.

Thanks to all contributors for their translations so far.

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Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:52 am


It would be time
to make OSCAR
have multiple languages...

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that's right :)

Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:06 pm

yeah, you're right.

it's just that time is really scarce these last few months and I barely touched the source code of Oscar.

All I can do is promise I'll try to find some time to implement the multi-language support in the following weeks.

regards, Majky ...

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online translations support finished

Fri Oct 19, 2007 7:13 am

so after some time away I finally got the g2v9 version done with online translations completed (I hope).

Give it a try, let me know what you think, report bugs. Feedback is always welcome (regarding any of the features or even new ones not in there yet).

Enjoy ...


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Sun Oct 28, 2007 5:59 pm

I translated some strings into German, and now German appears in OSCAR's list, I can download it and switch to German, but everything is still in English and the downloaded .mo file contains no strings. Do I have to wait or is there some problem?

Oh, and what does that green donut do? (no tooltip) Image

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Answers to all your questions ;)

Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:26 pm


1, german translation: the language files are (at least these days) generated once a day, so if you just added some strings to a translation, chances are you'll have to wait until next day when all the files are generated anew.

2, 'green donut': is the 'OK' button, just like the 'red cross' is the 'Cancel' button. I must have forgotten about the tooltips, I will add them in the next release. Just consider those button traffic lights - green is Go/OK, red is Stop/Cancel. Hope this helps. I'm not planning on changing the glyphs in the near future, so you're pretty much stuck with them :D

thanks for the feedback, I hope you enjoy the application.

regards, Majky ...

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Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:05 pm


Is there any publicly available svn repository for Oscar? Since you are using Trac, I suppose there is some kind of repository, no? I am asking this to create a project page for Oscar on, as there is already a project page for SubDownloader.


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Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:34 am

There is no SVN repository for Oscar as it's not released as open-source. Only parts of it will be released later to provide Delphi programmers with a class to use for communication with OSDb servers (like

We use Trac only for the purpose of reporting bugs and documentation. The SVN (Browse source) is not being used.

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Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:21 pm

OK, too bad you choose not to open source your project... Anyway, thanks for the reply.

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Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:59 am

I have a problem ...

I search for a subtitle on a particular file, but nothing is found ... But I have the subtitle and want to upload it to share with others and the software say that the subtitle is on the server ... Is it there or not?


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To clarify ...

Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:25 pm

When uploading subtitles two checks are made on the server:
- first a subtitle hash check is performed to see if it's already stored on the server (prevent duplicates)
- second if subtitle is found an additional check is made to see if the subtitle is already matched with your uploaded movie file hash.

So there are three ways this can end:

1) you successfully upload a subtitle. That means it's a subtitle that isn't on the server yet at all (it's unknown to the server)

2) if subtitle hash is found and not the movie hash, the given subtitle is just 'connected' to the movie hash supplied by you.

3) if a subtitle is found and it's already 'connected' to your movie hash, you're simply doing something someone has already done before you.

In Oscar 2) and 3) are simply reported as 'subtitle already exists on server' (this will be adjusted with the next update of uploads in Oscar).

What (most probably) happened to you is the second scenario. You tried downloading but nothing was found (existing subtitle wasn't yet connected to your movie file). Then you tried uploading, the server realized the subtitle is already there and simply connected the existing one with the given movie file. Repeating the search in Oscar should show your subtitle in the results now.

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Oscar g2v10

Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:04 pm

New version released with a few new exciting features including persistent caching mechanism for video info and subtitle file language detection.

Give it a try, feedback is always welcome.

There were quite a few changes in this release, so bugs might have been introduced. Let me know if you find any so I can fix them ASAP. Bug reporting is at:

New version download can be found in the first post of this topic.

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