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Subdownloader [1.2.9]

Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:03 pm

SubDownloader official webpage

Hello all,

Visit official SubDownloader web page(including sources, how to install it on linux, guides and other nice stuff)

we are really proud to present you SubDownloader - first opensource program coded in python, which is working with site for downloading/uploading subtitles. We think, this should be first step, how to change system of downloading and uploading subtitles at all. This program works with open to public XMLRPC service of this website using special hash and should work on most operating systems - now tested on windows/linux. Opensubtitles,org is open server, it has own API, so it is possible to code program/library, which use this site.

We release this program for you - for users. We hope, you will like it and will upload subtitles using this program - so others could download these subtitles through this program. If uploaded subtitles already exists on server - upload it anyway - we collect information about movie to which it belongs (hash, fps, filesize, time), so you will help anyway. Main features are:

- no spyware, no adware, source code is available at project homepage
- it uses fast hashing algorithm (27 GB movies/7 seconds)
- search and download subtitles for 1 movie
- search and download subtitles for movies directory
- upload subtitles to site (possible as registered/unregistered)
- autodetecting imdb, if in directory exists nfo file
- for release name is used name of directory
- using OSDB and ISDB protocol
- autodetecting user language / set prefered languages
- PAD file available
- many more...:)

We bought two new dedicated servers, also further developing of SubDownloader needs your support.

We are also looking for programmers, who can help with developing Subdownloader and programming other tools. If you have any idea how to help (code some scripts, directshow filters and so on), just contact us for details. If you decide code new program using site, please contact us first too.

SubDownloader did not found subtitles for my movie XXX! It means you don't have subtitles for XXX on your website?
No, it means, subtitles for movie XXX was not uploaded with SubDownloader and the _could_ be on website, but you have to search them by hand. If you want help to community - search correct subtitles on website and upload it with SubDownloader, so you and others can find those subtitles with SubDownloader next time

How program works? When I change filename for movie, it will find correct subtitles?
1. Subdownloader applies to the VideoFile a Moviehash function getting an unique 64 bit string.
2. It requests this string to a online databases which contains the subtitles. See the XmlRpc Api.
3. It downloads the choosen subtitle(s) from the server.
So if you will rename your movie, it will find correct subtitles too, because contents of file is not changed.

I need python or something else when installing this program on Windows when I download windows install exe?
No, you don't. Just download exe, install and that's all. As you can see, installation and exe itself is quite big, so python interpreter and other libraries are already included there.

When I upload subtitles using SubDownloader, program says those subtitles are already in database. Is there some profit from this action anyway?
Short answer: YES!
Long Answer: when program says, those subtitles are already on server, that's because _same_ subtitles are already uploaded with or without movie hash (subtitles was uploaded by web interface). So now you "connect" movie hash with subtitle - and now others can download those subtitles with SubDownloader. Ok, but thats not all! We programmed special script, which will generate movie hashes for all subtitles for same movie with similar subtitle timestampes (we approximate them to each other subtitle with same IMDBID). So it is possible, when you upload some subtitle using SubDownloader you will generate 10 hashes or so! All this is stored in db and it will be available (stats...) on web later! So upload all subtitles with SubDownloader, it is worth of it.

SubDownloader doesn't start under my Windows 2000! What to do?
This is WXPython bug, subdownloader uses it. Here is solution - download gdiplus.dll and put it into same directory as SubDownloader.exe (or system directory - windows have to see it) and it should work.
Download it from here More about that bug is written here

How SubDownloader detects language of subtitles fro upload ?
SubDownloader use opensource, free library called TextCat - its python module. There is nice list of language detection tools

SubDownloader after start crashes!
If you see in the log something like "zipextimporter.pyo" or "ImportError: MemoryLoadLibrary failed loading wx\_core_.pyd" try download and put in same folder as is subdownloader this dll: ... ml?msvcp71 - more about this problem is written in here


Code: Select all

SubDownloader 1.2.9 - 17 Apr 07 unstable; urgency=low Changes: BUG - Fix in __init__ warning returning True BUG - Fix in new_translations_dates ( BUG - Fix in BUG - Fix new_BitmapFromImage() in CHG - Removed the FLASH chat box. Not so useful and takes memory resources. NEW - Upload Tab in Options to disable the Image cover retrieval and the Windows after succesful upload. SubDownloader 1.2.8 - 26 Mar 07 unstable; urgency=low Changes: NEW - Image cover from IMDB displayed while uploading CHG - Tested internationalization NEW - Shell context menu possibility to remove or add NEW - VLC and MPLAYER integration, now you play the video with the subtitles automatically from Subdownloader. BUG - Bug issues Changes 1.2.6 released 2007-03-07 BUG - In some internationalisation messages. CHG - txt of uploading message Changes 1.2.5 released 2007-02-16 BUG - When saving preferences now it saves the parameters correctly, so no more feedback window + tips window repetition. CHG - Now the list of Subtitle Languages is loaded from the server, that way it remains centralized and updated every day. FEATURE: Added splash screen to avoid show the non-good-looking ENQUEING FILES when somebody call the program from the contextual menu CHG - Improved the Progress windows with the new module thks Andrea Gavana CHG - Improved the choice components with the new module thks Andrea Gavana CHG - Improved interface using the LabelBook class of Andrea Gavana FEATURE: The feedback now shows in WINDOWS a widget directly to chat with me [email protected] FEATURE: Added sponsor banner CHG - Updated the library of IMDBpy to version 2.9 supporting unicode CHG - Used the CustomTreeCtrl of Andrea Gavana to allow using checkboxes to download the subtitles founded. SubDownloader 1.2.4 - 2007-02-01 CHG - Message of the Upload Confirmation, now the user know he helped updating the hash. BUG - Fixed dumb while Search IMDB and the name has spaces, this spaces where converted to %20 and app didn't find anything BUG - The Drag and Drop files in UploadWindow now work. FEATURE: Context Menu (Search and Upload Subtitle) now available when u make right click into Windows folders or files. Very useful to search or upload easily. BUG - Big file size movies (More than 2GB) fixed bug. BUG - Default ENG language when LOCALE is not defined on system. FEATURE: Tip of the day CHG: The download transfer is done using XMLRPC method and not HTTP normal download. FEATURE: Autodetection of the Uploaded Subtitle's language for SRT, TXT or SUB formats. FEATURE: Added Language Flags BUG: Py2exe doesn't compress the .exe (compress: 0) anymore, i hope that solves some XP/2000 bugs reported. FEATURE: Feedback window every 5 times when you close the app BUG: Reporting Bad Hashes of subtitles now is available. FEATURE: Added LOG Messages Window for debugging CHANGE: All the connections have been ported using XMLRPC, Update, Download, etc SubDownloader 1.2.3 - 2006-11-29 -ChoiceBox of IMDB text, now it remembers the last IMDB titles searched in upload. -Fixed bugs when cancel button was pressed. -Added popups menus(View Subtitle Details, Play AVI,Search other subtitles for this AVI) -Fixed bug for special languages(Greek, Farsi, etc) -Thanks to Davide Alberani <alberanid AT> for his help with IMDBPY module. -Rename subtitles downloaded with "MovieTitle".srt or .sub ,etc , if more than 1 language, then "movietitle" or ,etc -Donate Advertising is only showed after 10 times SubDownloader 1.2.2 - 2006-11-07 -Now Hashing files is done inside the thread, so we can cancel in the middle of hashing. -Correcting bugs with special characters in the filenames SubDownloader 1.2.1 - 2006-11-06 -Fixed several bugs (Wx.Yield move to wx.YieldIfNeeded()) -Improved the bug reporting system. -Controlled some problem with the IMDB searching title SubDownloader 1.2.0 - 2006-10-25 - initial public version released
Last edited by oss on Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:25 am, edited 29 times in total.

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Re: Info about Subdownloader program

Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:55 pm

thx for this app. is exelent :) perfectli working :)

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Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:17 pm

Unhandled exception in thread started by <bound method MainFrame.searchthread of <SubDownloaderFrame.MainFrame; proxy of C++ wxFrame instance at _08f0fa01_p_wxFrame>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "SubDownloaderFrame.pyo", line 1018, in searchthread
File "wx\_core.pyo", line 13485, in __getattr__
... but yes, I didn't install the patch. It redirected me to some page with updated version of this program but download speed was so slow I gave it up.

The second reason why I uninstall this program was I have all filenames renamed to avoid spaces ... for example: As_Far_As_My_Feet_Will_Carry_Me.DVDrip.xvid.ihoe.cd1.avi and I think (I can be wrong) it is not working also with Lulu.on.the.Bridge.1998.DVDRip.XviD.CZdub-DiVXCZ.avi ... I didn't try it for a long time, the connection and response was very very slooooow.

I'd prefer web interface, sorry.

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Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:00 am

thanks for feedback to both.

Ivanhoe: you are using some proxy server for connecting ? For downloading - in 1.2.1 is not so much new, I think this error will occur anyway - it is hosted at sourceforge, so sometimes it is slow.

Also it doesnt matter how you files is named, it works according content (hash). We know server is slow (especially around 20:00 GMT), so we already ordered two powerful dedicated servers.

stay tuned :)

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Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:04 pm

Ivanhoe: you are using some proxy server for connecting ? For downloading - in 1.2.1 is not so much new, I think this error will occur anyway - it is hosted at sourceforge, so sometimes it is slow.
Well, I have some kind of "transparent" proxy - so I don't need to explicitly use it, it works automatically. I have not public access but other programs doesn't have any of connection problems.

I confess being impatient. :]
Also it doesnt matter how you files is named, it works according content (hash). We know server is slow (especially around 20:00 GMT), so we already ordered two powerful dedicated servers.
stay tuned :)
I can try it again - but I don't see the reason of using installed program instead of some well done web interface. If the site speeds up ... :)

... don't worry, I keep tuned. Your site is really the best.


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Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:06 am

for some reason the program can't connect to the server. is there some trick to it. can i get some help? i would appreciate any help. thanks in advance for any help you may provide.

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Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:05 pm

1. program will connect, only when is working
2. if you are behind proxy, you have to set up proxy

try again :)

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Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:12 pm

I very liked the very good ideia it program… exactly goes to very speed the search of the legends… but sugestoes would like to make some… voces could improve the search for legends, accepting titulo original as word of search, therefore when adding torrent in the site the face can place any name thus I can low film the same but for the name this different I hardly will find the legend, I tambem I could make one integracao with other vestibules of legends similar to construct an enormous net thus I would be impossivel to finish with it… voces estao of parabens the program I was very good… sorry for bad english, i don't speak very well

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Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:57 pm

Yes, you should improve in your english. My is not good too, either :) Ok, as I tried to understand you, you want search subtitles by name in this program. This is possible, but I will not support that, using hash (in future filesize/imdbid) is enough - it is faster, so server can handle more requests.
Also when you are downloading something and you already want subtitles, just wait, when it will be downloaded.

For existing subtitles you always can use web, ofcourse.

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Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:40 am

i didnt like the program so much because the searching is not so usefull.. i want to search a film that i dont have.. (which u cant do this) because u must show the movie directory if u want to make a search..
i always look first if the movie have subtitle, unless i wont download it.. with this program u cant do it..

greetings from Turkey,

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Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:54 pm

hello sno,

thanks for feedback. I see your point, there are some peoples, who download movie after, they are sure, if subtitles exists, I've been one of them. Objective of this program is other - it finds existing and correct subtitles for existing avi file you have.

There are many problems, when for example exists many subtitles for one movie. Lets say, movie is released by many groups/nukes/versions (see latest pirates of carribean) and there exists tons of subtitles. Idea of this program is point: for this movie you should download only these subtitles.

Also, I know those kind of programs you show me, maybe there exists 3 or more like this you show. We have XML search output, for example you search matrix, so look at ... /simplexml

and you get idea. It is not a problem to add our website to those kind of searchers, but they didnt contact me, and me either not :)

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Wed Nov 15, 2006 5:43 pm

Hi all,

First off, thank you for the program - it should save time, not having to download several versions and see which one fits best (there's always subtutle workshop, i know, but this way's quicker).

Second, i guess it will make the uploading of subs nicer, at least for me.

Keep up the good work, subs + open source = excelent!


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A bug report

Wed Nov 15, 2006 5:57 pm

This program has a big problem...if you change the format of numbers dates and times in windows xp(in control panel).the program will not run :cry:

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Re: A bug report

Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:43 pm

This program has a big problem...if you change the format of numbers dates and times in windows xp(in control panel).the program will not run :cry:
could you explain this better ? What does it mean "change format of numbers dates and times". Change to which format ?

Wickerman: thanks, we are doing that for ppl like we are :) I dont like finding right subtitles for certain movie, sometimes it is really nightmare!

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Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:47 am start menu click control panel date,time,language, and regional options change the format of number,dates and times the regional options select a language(unless english) and then click ok Subdownloader

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