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My requests drop down list list from when requested, date-wise.

Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:02 pm

I was trying to figure out when I made the requests and when they were fulfilled date-wise but haven't been successful either. ... rt-5/asc-1

There should be a better way to search before I make a new request because due to this short-coming I sometimes end up making the same request twice and come to know only at the very end that I had already made the request and then opensubtitles telling me I can't make the same request twice. This is incredibly frustrating. Could the search at least in my requests could be made more better and versatile perhaps.

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Re: My requests drop down list list from when requested, date-wise.

Sat Nov 17, 2018 5:42 am


I understand what you mean. We are focusing full energy on new website now - - so this won't be fixed for now.

Maybe as quickfix it would help, if there are first subtitles, which doesnt have any available subtitles ? Or would you like to have default sorting ?

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Re: My requests drop down list list from when requested, date-wise.

Sun Nov 18, 2018 11:41 pm


I understand what you mean. We are focusing full energy on new website now - - so this won't be fixed for now.

Maybe as quickfix it would help, if there are first subtitles, which doesnt have any available subtitles ? Or would you like to have default sorting ?
nice. A follow up question then -

would the forum, our subtitles downloaded, uploaded, our credentials , would everything be moved over to the new site or we would have to start from scratch ?

As far as sorting is concerned, I do not know what 'default sorting' would entail but guess anything would be better than the current situation, although the best would be to click on a column and it would ascend or descend according to the column. So, for instance if I were to click on the Names, then alphabetical sorting, if on date, then irrespective of whether any request I made or subtitle fulfilled, in either of those whichever changed happened the latest should be shown first and descend from that.

The descending part would probably be to know when I or anybody else joined the site or starting making requests or upload.

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Re: My requests drop down list list from when requested, date-wise.

Thu Nov 22, 2018 10:58 am

everything will be moved, just accounts have to be recreated (set up password only)

for clicking name of move, date, number of downloads etc, it should working in /search/

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