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Problem with .ass to have 2 subtitles in the same video

Thu May 26, 2016 1:54 pm

Hello everyone,

I'm kind of a newbie in subtitles and since I'm learning japanese I wanted to have both japanese and another language (french or english) subtitles in my animes. After a little bit of searching I found a website making subtitles for animes in japanese here : ... apanese%2F

To have both subtitles on the same video I use Media Player Classic with VSFilter (an add-on that has to do with subtitles), I load the japanese subs in VSFilter and the other subs in the player.
The only problem I have is I can never sync these .ass subtitles with my player... Whenever I put delay, the subs remain synced for like 10 seconds then it goes wrong. I tried syncing them (with the Subresync feature of MPC, if anyone knows that player) and saving the subtitles in .srt right away and it worked wonders for 2 episodes then the same problem of syncing came back, so I guess it just worked by happenstance.

So does anyone know why this method would work on some episodes and not on some others ? I would really appreciate some help.

Thank you for reading.

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Re: Problem with .ass to have 2 subtitles in the same video

Sat May 28, 2016 1:56 am

I don't know Anime at all, but based on my knowledge of subtitles, it's very possible you're trying to match subtitles for a japanese version on an occidental video, they might be made differently, because our cultures aren't the same (not the same rythm in cinema, not the same "censor", we disallow violence and allow nudity, they do the opposite, etc).

What I'm saying is that the issue for me looks like a mismatch between video and subtitles, not a software issue.

To confirm or infirm what I wrote above, you can try to load only one subtitle at the time and check if they're both synced, MPC should do the trick, but as far as I know, the best .ass support is with VLC. If you try one at a time, you'll be able to tell if the issue of sync is because of the software you use (and I can't help you) or with the subtitles+release you try to match (and I can't help you either... you'll have to sync manually or change your source for videos).

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Re: Problem with .ass to have 2 subtitles in the same video

Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:25 pm

First of all, I don't know MPC.
What I would do first is checking if both subtitles are well synchronised. ASS is a complex format but you can still read it. Time should appear at the beginning of lines after "Dialogue:". I usually check timings by reading them with a simple text editor or viewer.. For example, it you see a difference of more than a few seconds between the two files they are clearly out of sync. You can have a "shift" when that difference is constant in time and a "drift" when it increases with time. Of course you must use the content to match them, so you should know both languages.

You must be aware that if you use the resynching capabilities of the player it could affect only one of the streams since the other is going through another path (filter or whatever)

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