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New app: Undertext for Mac OS X

Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:34 am


Undertext is swedish for subtitle. It is a new application for easy and quick downloading of subtitles for movies and tv episodes using's database. Undertext is made for Mac OS X using it's Cocoa so it integrates very well with the system, something I personally think is valuable as I hope more people than myself want good looking software which is easy and intuitive to use. To some extent it's goals is the same as e.g. SubDownloader. This application originated while SubDownloader still was hard to get working on a Mac. I thought it would be a really fun project (and it is!). One of it's goals is too keep a small and simple feature set so because of that I have so far added features mostly geared at my own needs. But please, come with requests and I will tell you what I think.

Website: There you can find downloads, suggest new features, submit bugs, get the source code and get more information. I'll be posting some sort of roadmap with features in the nearest time and you'll be able too keep track of the development.

The searching is done by calculating a hash for every movie file and then looking in's database for matching subtitles. This way you find matching subtitles quickly and can be sure they'll be correctly sync'ed with the video.

Some of the features in v 1.0:

Version 1.0 for download at the website is an early release and I plan to keep adding features.
  • Looks recursively for movie files when opened with one or several folders.
  • Can filter results by language.
  • When downloading subtitles it names the subtitle after the movie file, so you don't have to change the name yourself.
  • Search results are shown in a table easy to choose subtitles from.
  • Extra info is shown in a separate window for the currently selected subtitle.
  • Sparkle is used for automatic updates so you'll know when a new version is available.
Last edited by johan_lunds on Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun May 17, 2009 10:24 am

I can't get this program to launch


Mac os 10.5.6


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Sun May 17, 2009 7:45 pm

I can't get this program to launch


Mac os 10.5.6

Of course not. This, same as my own SolEol, use the API from OpenSubtitles and the API is down right now. We can't use it and so can't any user.

We wish this was different, but you'll need to use the web in the meantime.
[url=]OpenSubtitles from your desktop: SolEol for Mac/Windows/Linux[/url]
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Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:06 pm

I can't get this program to launch


Mac os 10.5.6

Of course not. This, same as my own SolEol, use the API from OpenSubtitles and the API is down right now. We can't use it and so can't any user.

We wish this was different, but you'll need to use the web in the meantime.
Eduo is correct. It's pretty common with server connection troubles, and when there is Undertext will crash (might seem like it just quits silently). This is fixed in the latest codebase which can be found on Google Code, but it hasn't been released. I'll try to do that sometime during the summer.

PS. Sorry for the late reply. I was expecting to receive mails for any new replies done in this thread, but it hasn't worked.

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Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:00 pm

anything new with your app ? :)

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Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:53 pm

I have been working on and off with Undertext, doing mostly small changes. I have some good plans for it though. I released version 1.1 yesterday which contains some fixes. Every current user will be prompted about the new version the next time Undertext is started. The release notes can be found at

I also put up a roadmap and an intro screencast on the website.

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Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:47 pm

OS will be most thankful for your plans on including RAR support, since I don't plan on ever supporting it at all in SolEol :)
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Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:25 am

Yeah OS has mentioned it :). In the beginning it wasn't a big priority for me because I always used to unrar my files. But since I discovered that VLC has the possibility to play rar-files (store format) I have started to skip the unrar-ing sometimes. It takes time and is essentially just a file copy anyways (because there is nothing to decompress). So it feels like an unnecessary step. Why don't you ever want RAR support?
I actually started fiddling around with it. It was quite fun, but I'm not finished.

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Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:30 am

I don't like nor share the idea of "viewing" videos in RAR. I feel it's untidy and lazy.

I admit I like to have my files ordered, named and organized.

It's also that I rather like torrents, and sharing rars via torrent is one of the stupidest things that can be seen in the internet, at several levels. RARs are used by the scene to start sharing something right away and to distribute better, but they have no place in the network once the whole file is in the cloud.

They also make absolutely no sense for average users, and I don't blame them. At least CBR/CBZ have the decency of changing the extension to make it look like they're a special format.

All things said, everyone is free to watch things however they prefer. I don't blame people who prefer RARs, but I won't support them directly. That's why I'm glad you will (even if it means they'll keep using it).
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Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:01 am

Ah, I see. Yeah, I use Bittorrent for all my needs nowadays.
Sharing rars via Bittorrent is stupid and they make no sense for most users, I agree. But sometimes that's what the torrent contains, and I don't look for another torrent just because of that. I have to admit though that I am pretty untidy and lazy. I download, watch and then erase. Except for keeping movies and tv-shows in separate folders I have no organization or naming scheme. I could use a self-organizing video-library application, but don't know of any good one. Do you? Miro works pretty well for video files you download through the application itself, but not else. For other files I use Finder's "label" functionality to keep track of watched/unwatched. Not the best, but for lack of anything else... :)

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Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:43 pm

Ah, I see. Yeah, I use Bittorrent for all my needs nowadays.
Sharing rars via Bittorrent is stupid and they make no sense for most users, I agree. But sometimes that's what the torrent contains, and I don't look for another torrent just because of that. I have to admit though that I am pretty untidy and lazy. I download, watch and then erase. Except for keeping movies and tv-shows in separate folders I have no organization or naming scheme. I could use a self-organizing video-library application, but don't know of any good one. Do you? Miro works pretty well for video files you download through the application itself, but not else. For other files I use Finder's "label" functionality to keep track of watched/unwatched. Not the best, but for lack of anything else... :)
I know some tools that help organising. But in reality the tool only works if the user does it.

SolEol will do something eventually:

But this is because I do obsess about organization:
[url=]OpenSubtitles from your desktop: SolEol for Mac/Windows/Linux[/url]
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Re: New app: Undertext for Mac OS X

Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:27 pm

Too complicated!

Can you help me to know how subtitles work???

I purchased the Subtitles app for my iPad, but I don't know how tu run it???

When I put play, only can see the subtitles, but not the movie.

I don't know how to apply the subtitles to the movie or visceversa!!!

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Re: New app: Undertext for Mac OS X

Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:46 am

I think the Subtitles-app is meant to just show subtitles, not any video. From the thread about the app: "subtitle viewer for the iPhone. It’s probably most useful at the cinema, but it’s a handy thing to have for those situations where (for whatever reason) you can’t get subtitles to appear alongside your movie." I don't have an Ipad or Iphone, only a Mac, so I can't tell you how to get it working. If you want to watch movies with subtitles on your Mac Undertext, SubDownloader or SolEol should work fine for you.

You should read the thread about the Subtitles-app for Ipad/Iphone: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2410
[size=100]Undertext for Mac OS X,[/size]

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