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Re: Admin tyranny

Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:08 pm

I'm still a little confused about my profile status; the warning is still there, as is the limitation.
M_I_S should have the opportunity to reply. For now, just be patient.
little corrections for my uploads. I haven't used MX Player in three years. At the time, I was using all Android methods to upload and edit. mxplayer upload won't work any more, at least not for me.
For duplicates and semi-duplicates it doesn't matter how you upload. The system will block 100% duplicates, but will allow semi-duplicates.
admins should give uploaders the opportunity to correct uploaded subtitles if there is something wrong with them before deleting or replacing them. maybe up to a week.
This is not a good idea. If there is a serious major problem with a subtitle, they should be deleted, to avoid frustration for the downloaders. A reason should be given - and then the uploader (or someone else) can fix the problem. If the problems are only minor, the subs can stay and may be deleted or updated when something better comes available.
Reality is that only very few users correct existing subtitles, even after a problem is mentioned. Another reality is that most downloads will come in the period immediately after upload. So it doesn't make sense to leave a 'bad' subtitle and wait for a fix, while not being sure if that fix will come at all. Also, it would need a massive extra administration, making things unworkable, especially in the English section, with zillions of uploads every day.
Before admis gives a warning, there should be a clear email or another contact to uploaders and explain what they are doing wrong.
Basically, I agree. But to some extent. For example, if a user is caught for systematically and obviously knowingly falsifying credits, an instant admin-warning (plus some explanation) is appropriate. If a user posts comments with personal data of another user with death threats, that user will be blocked instantly and I wouldn't even bother to 'explain'.
And if this is not working, there must be at least two admins consensus when giving warnings.
I don't agree. First of all, it's not practical. Also, some language sections have only one admin or no admin at all. That being said, I think warnings and blocking accounts should be done well thought-out and with reluctancy.
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Re: Admin tyranny

Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:13 pm

Okay, those were just raw thoughts. and your comments makes sense.

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Re: Admin tyranny

Tue Jul 25, 2023 5:10 pm


M_I_S has removed your admin-warning and your profile is free of that nasty red badge.
You are free to upload any subtitle, including those for blockbusters and popular movies and tv shows.
Once again I would like to emphasize that you should do everything you can to avoid semi-duplicates. If in doubt, better don't upload.

I hope this honors your feeling of justice and understand that not only your actions, but also those of M_I_S were done with all good intentions, for the benefit of all on OpenSubtitles. Now let's leave this behind us and aim for a better and friendly future.
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Re: Admin tyranny

Tue Jul 25, 2023 6:03 pm

Thank you once again for your help and time. I also want to thank M_I_S for removing the warning and limits. and hope that in the future, we will all have better communication to not have these topiks. class123 PS: I do my best not to upload semi-dublicates.

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