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Admin Abuse

Tue Oct 25, 2022 6:49 am

I was asked by "Super Admin" to post the following message which was originally an email sent to admin:

Dear opensubtitles,

I have used opensubtitles for years. Primarily because IMHO it was the
best source on the net.
It took me a couple of years but eventually I started using the Beta
version, which is even better than the original. :D

Recently, I've been downloading subs for "The Wire" and I found them to be
LOADED with spelling errors. It became obvious to me there are non-black people giving their false interpretation of what
black people are saying.

Having to spellcheck episode after episode became so annoying, I started critiquing any sub I downloaded that contained spelling
errors. Eventually I realized that instead of deleting the subs I corrected for myself, I could upload them for others to use.

Imagine my surprise when the very first sub I uploaded was disabled by someone calling themselves "mr******s." The most distressing part is NO REASON was given for such an impetuous move. THEN when I protested, my status was changed to "read only" by - guess who - the same mr******s.

Unfortunately, this experience has revealed your org is biased. No one should have the ability to unilaterally define the status of a contributor's works or their status on the org. Especially no RACIST WHITE PERSON should have the ability to mess with BLACK people. And I say mr******s is a racist because only a racist would believe their version of black street slang is better than the real thing.

For example:
Pretty much ALL versions of The Wire subs refer to D'Angelo Barksdale as
"Dee". WELL THAT'S WRONG. His name gives it away. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO
IS LOOK. The correct version is "D".
POINT IS: It's obvious to the trained eye mr******s is NOT black by the consistent pattern of colloquial errors.

I'm SHOCKED to learn that, after all of these years of using opensubtitles, some of the people behind the scenes have turned out to be abusive racists.

Now I have to concede that I was pissed off when I saw the sub was disabled and called mr******s an "A-Hole."
But then he referred to me as "the weakest link." Think about it, pals.
In context, that's a definitively RACIST thing to say.
And yet I'M THE ONE who got demoted to "READ ONLY" STATUS

For the most part, your website (especially the Beta version) is the best.
But NO ONE should be allowed to play Adolf Hitler and unilaterally disable subs
without giving a specific, concrete reason. NOR should any one person be
allowed to change the status of another on the website without at least THREE people
voting for that change. It's just WAY TOO MUCH power to place into the hands of one person.

And in this case, IMHO, that power has been abused.


Warin West-El :|

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Re: Admin Abuse

Tue Oct 25, 2022 4:31 pm

I'm sorry that you feel you were mistreated.
If I miss something below, please do let us know by presenting your own facts below. As I have limited time, I found the following basic facts myself, and most of what you have said is either not true or very misleading.

Following few examples:
Imagine my surprise when the very first sub I uploaded was disabled. NO REASON was given for such an impetuous move.

The subtitle states a reason, and the reason makes it obvious that the subtitle was deemed to be a duplicate and already exists on the site.
Instead of opening a dialogue with the admin as to why it isn't a dupe, by your reckoning, you responded and called him an "A-Hole" and gave him no chance to respond amicably or to reassess his position or why he should reassess his position.
Link to your disabled subtitle even providing a link to a similar synced subtitle: ... t-shots-en

I'm sure he would have done, given the chance. An admin works for free and can't download and check every single subtitle on the site to see what the differences are, especially for a series subs which can be in the millions. If at first glance it looks the same and the timings are the same and the uploader hasn't commented as to what major changes and corrections they have made, then 99.9% off the time it's a dupe.
But then he referred to me as "the weakest link." Think about it, pals.

He actually said: "Thanks for playing. You are the weakest link...goodbye".
Which is a quote from a show here:
I guess that also makes Anne Robinson a racist, too?
Maybe we should join the cancel culture and cancel her, too.
I've used this common saying in arguments myself at people, doesn't make me or anyone else who uses it a racist.

I believe the "weakest link" reference was a response to you calling him an "A-Hole".
As generally, they say the use of profanity "is a recourse of a WEAK mind!"
Not "is a recourse of a BLACK mind!"

It seems in your anger you have taken things to mean what you want them to mean and added a twist to it.

In the future, I recommend all users open a dialogue with an admin first, as opposed to swearing at them. Swearing and mistreating volunteers isn't appreciated in any establishment in the world that I know off.
Calling him Hitler is like calling Hitler himself a butterfly. Two complete opposites and very unfair accusations to a man with whom I have had personal correspondence and would never deduce for him to hurt a fly. Even before he became admin he has been quite helpful and polite to other users and helping them find solutions.
And in this case, IMHO, that power has been abused.
Would I have put a user in "read only" mode over that one incident?
In most cases, maybe not.
You catch a volunteer being sworn at in a bad-time, then, yes, I probably would have done it, too.

This is IMHO what I saw rather quickly with the limited time I had. If there is any evidence that I have overlooked, please make us aware.
Not of misunderstandings, but specific evidence of racism, Hitlerism, etc... There is nothing here that I saw that can be even remotely open to interpretations.

I reiterate: I recommend all users open a dialogue with an admin first, as opposed to swearing at them.
I've been an admin here for 13 years, and not often seen a situation not been resolved when both parties talk amicably with each other.
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Re: Admin Abuse

Tue Oct 25, 2022 5:20 pm

Has anyone seen the uncommon languages that don’t have admins and seen how much junk and trash there is accumulated there?
Why does the English section not look like that in most places when it is one of the most busiest languages here? I’d beg to argue that is due to the work of the site admins. Who apparently work for free and in their own time to keep it that way.

I’d love to see you become an admin, dedicate your time to the site and then be treated like s**t by an entitled user. Let’s see how long it takes for you to disable someone’s account. Respect is a two-way street.
For those of us who can’t give respect to people that dedicate their free time to make services like this accessible and available for the rest of us should be shot on site.
Well, not literally shot. You get the gist.

This is also just IMHO.
The accusations and name calling with the lack of proof to support such claims presented herein is just… Sigh. No words.

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Re: Admin Abuse

Tue Oct 25, 2022 8:34 pm

To all,

Just a quick reply, no lengthy diatribe is really necessary.
“Mr Tinkles is an A-Hole who disabled my IMPROVED SUB. His has SEVERAL SPELLING ERRORS. Only an idiot would attempt to cancel something BETTER than his version.”
Quite a novel approach whilst attempting to initiate a dialog. A 1-2 punch of both “A-hole” and “Idiot”. Straight out of Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends & Influence People.”

Getting the facts straight, the link I provided referenced the actual contributor’s sub I used for comparison. Verbiage differences were in the “improved” version, although time syncs similar. Issue as I recall, had to do with differentiation in speaker occurrences with the “Improved” version. Could very well have been reviewed and resolved with a simple exchange.

Yes, we review many subtitle daily and are not perfect by any means. Errors occur, judgment calls are made. Do the best we can, if we make an error, just let us know in an “appropriate” manner.

Responding with a verbal assault is definitely not the best way to achieve resolution. Resort to abusive name-calling, and then complain about verbal repartee and repercussions……..hmmm.

Whether disabling of this subtitle was justified or not, is now a moot point. That ship has now sailed. Some unwarranted accusations have been brought, against my person, as well as to inferring Opensubtitles being a safe harbor for such vile individuals as myself.

Sorry, I’m not even going to dignify those accusations with a response.


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Re: Admin Abuse

Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:39 am

scooby007 said:
most of what you have said is either not true or very misleading
Your sentence contains several missing referential indexes.
You said "most." What percentage of statements are "not true" or "very misleading?"

LOL, I'm going to cut you a break here.
I could do a rhetorical clinic simply on that phrase.
The subtitle states a reason, and the reason makes it obvious
Makes it "obvious" to whom?
the subtitle was deemed to be a duplicate
How was that done? With software or by eye?
The subtitle I uploaded certainly was not a duplicate.
Admittedly, it was not created from scratch. However, it contained multiple spelling corrections and context decisions which were missing from the template. The overall timing was changed as well.
Instead of opening a dialogue with the admin as to why it isn't a dupe, by your reckoning, you responded and called him an "A-Hole" and gave him no chance to respond amicably or to reassess his position or why he should reassess his position.
In the REAL world, it is incumbent upon the person who attacks or in this case deletes another to open up the dialogue as to why they attacked [deleted] the sub. In fact, I got pissed specifically because I saw no apparent explanation given for that behaviour.
An admin works for free and can't download and check every single subtitle on the site to see what the differences are
This a personal choice and cannot be used as a defense. If you are unwilling to use some sort of software to compare sub files (Ex. Subtitle Edit) then you really don't have a leg to stand on when you disable a sub.
If at first glance it looks the same and the timings are the same and the uploader hasn't commented as to what major changes and corrections they have made, then 99.9% off the time it's a dupe.
Your sentence contains unwarranted presumptions. You're assuming the uploader was experienced and knew to make comments. Both of your presumptions are false.
I guess that also makes Anne Robinson a racist, too?
We live in different universes. I have no earthly idea who Anne Robinson is supposed to be.
I don't own a television. Have no idea what's going on in The Matrix. I download and binge-watch the most popular series to analyze the underlying social archetypes in order to see how the masses are being mentally conditioned. Which is why I rely upon subtitles, to help me clearly understand what's going on in every scene I'm studying.
Calling him Hitler is like calling Hitler himself a butterfly.
This is a strained analogy which eludes further comment.
Would I have put a user in "read only" mode over that one incident?
In most cases, maybe not.

IMHO, this is the most honest thing you wrote. You've admitted you have a relationship with this person. Therefore, your response is biased. Even so, you have begrudgingly confirmed a reasonable person could conclude the admin was over the top.
There is nothing here that I saw that . . .
I'm guessing there's a lot more that you haven't seen. Sadly, scientific experiments confirm people see what they're conditioned to see.
I recommend all users open a dialogue with an admin first
The corollary to that is: Admins who disable subs need to clearly state their reasons for doing so. And suggest to anyone who's sub has been disabled, to contact them for further information. I reacted harshly because IMHO the presentation I encountered was harsh.
I've been an admin here for 13 years, and not often seen a situation not been resolved when both parties talk amicably with each other.
Thank you for your service. Yes, peaceful resolution is best. Let's invoke the circumstances which make that possible. Disabling a sub is not an amicable act. So let's balance that by offering an explanation along with an invitation to dialogue.

THANK YOU for your time and consideration in responding to my comment.
Both are respected and sincerely appreciated. :D

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Re: Admin Abuse

Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:56 am

pooond wrote:
I’d love to see you become an admin
Well that's going to be a tough row to hoe if I can't upload subs.
dedicate your time to the site and then be treated like s**t by an entitled user.
If you change that to "an entitled admin", then I've already had that experience.
And you're right, it sucks.
Let’s see how long it takes for you to disable someone’s account.
I'm 68 years old. I've had time enough to realize I'm an idiot.
Therefore, I would never disable someone's account without two other independent sources offering input before making that judgment call.

You seem to be angry.
Perhaps you should take a break.
Or drink beer while you're working on subs. :lol:

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Re: Admin Abuse

Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:34 am

mrtinkles wrote:
Straight out of Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends & Influence People.”
:lol: I read that book about 50 years ago.
I'm betting that although you mentioned it, you've never read the book yourself.
Anyway, just wanted you to know I actually did lol when I read that comment.
Could very well have been reviewed and resolved with a simple exchange.
Did you offer an invitation for that to occur?
just let us know in an “appropriate” manner.
The fact that you put the word in quotes reveals even you don't believe that sentence.
Allow me to suggest perhaps Admins might begin to disable subs in an appropriate manner.
Is it possible you are so close to your work you fail to realize beginners won't realize any options are available if none are presented?
Responding with a verbal assault is definitely not the best way to achieve resolution.
At the time, you were the only one who knew a "resolution" was even possible.
Did you offer the possibility of a resolution and I just didn't see it?
vile individuals as myself
That's a strawman argument. No one has accused you of being "vile."
You were called an "A-hole" because you failed to disclose a remedy.
You were also called an "idiot." However, I tell people I'm an idiot all the time.
Sorry, I’m not even going to dignify those accusations with a response.
That statement is unnecessarily patronizing.
Please allow me to demonstrate the manly behaviour which is appropriate in this circumstance:

Gee, mrtinkles if my behavior offended you in any way, you have my sincerest apology.
I hope that in the future you and I can work together to make an even better website.

See . . .

that wasn't so hard. :D

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Re: Admin Abuse

Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:15 pm

Dear WarinW,

I am admin of the Dutch section of OpenSubtitles. I simply hate racism, so I will take any accusation of such very seriously.

Here are my findings about your subtitles:

● Your disabled subs can still be downloaded here: ... 1957855649

● I compared your subs to all nine subtitles currently available. For several reasons (I will spare you the details) I concluded that you have been using ... t-shots-en as source to make your adaptations.

● Comparing these two subs, I found difference like:

• Dee → D
Agreed, "Dee" is not consistent with the use of "J", "T" and "T.C.". But I do not consider this a mistake or misspelling. The guy mixing with turntables in the discotheque is a DeeJay or a DJ... Abbreviation versus phonetic.
• $1 20,000 surveillance van → $120,000 surveillance van
Definitely an OCR error and your correction is correct.
• Det. Freamon → Det. Freeman
According to IMDb Clark Peters is the actor playing "Detective Lester Freamon", not Freeman. No character is called "Freeman". This change didn't make it better, but worse.
• dwarves → dwarfs
I think both are correct.
• llello → jello
"Llello" is Hispanic-origin slang for cocain. In other subs it's written as "yeyo" and 'on the street' aka yayo, llell, llallo and llelo. I haven't found any reference to "jello" as you used. But even if there is, I don't think this is better than "llello". It even may be worse, because the double L ("ll") in Spanish is pronounced as something like in between "dj" en "j". If you choose for more phonetic instead of more Spanish writing, then why only replace the first "ll" and not the second?
• Removing dashes, like
hand-to-hands → hand to hands
weak-ass shit → weak ass shit
congratu-fucking-lations → congratufuckinglations
My knowledge of English grammar is not good enough to know if this is a case of right and wrong, but in Dutch in these cases dashes may be added. But okay, you get the benefit of the doubt.
• Bumfuck → Bum-fuck
Why ADD a dash here? It refers to a hypothetical city in Europe, which could be both. Not a correction of a mistake, at most a personal preference.
• Minor detail: you first line starts with a negative time code (-00:00:00,167). Basically, this is a syntax error. No big drama and easy to fix, but it is not how it should be.

Last but not least:
• You have removed ALL dialogue hyphens (dashes). For example, your line #15 should be:
     -Fuck, I said put the basket down!
     -Easy girl, chill.

This is a very significant difference and one of the basics of subtitle guidelines. Dialogues MUST use hyphens.

● I have not found this existing subtitle to be "LOADED with spelling errors" as you claim. Also, I have not found anything being "a better version of black street slang". Also, I have not seen any "context decisions which were missing" at all.
Looking at my above examples, I have seen
- very few actual corrections (120,000 → 1 20,000)
- some differences which are only marginal (hand-to-hands → hand to hands)
- very few differences making things worse (Freamon → Freeman)
- a huge significant worsening by removing the dialogue dashes.

● Your end result is very close to the already existing subs ... t-shots-en
Besides the text part as explained above, there is only a small difference in timing: approx. 170 ms at the start and approx. 70 ms at the end. This is not enough to justify a separate upload. Besides, you don't state a specific release name, you only write "The Wire Season 2 Episode 3" so it's impossible to find out anything about synchronisation being better or not.
True, it's not a 100% duplicate, but a so-called "semi-duplicate", which are about as unwanted.

My conclusion:
- Your version of the subs are not added value - on the contrary. The missing dialogue dashes are the main reason.
- Even WITH correct dialogues dashes, the differences are too marginal, to justify an upload, update or deletion of other subs.
- Your subtitles were removed for a valid reason.

My opinion about the interaction between mrtinkles and you:

● If subs are removed, a clear reason should be given. I agree with you that "Use existing subtitle: ... t-shots-en" is not clear. Personally, I would have said: "Inferior semi-duplicate of ... t-shots-en"

● Despite the above, this does not justify your immediate comment "Mr Tinkles is an A-Hole who disabled my IMPROVED SUB. His has SEVERAL SPELLING ERRORS. Only an idiot would attempt to cancel something BETTER than his version."
Calling names is a universal no-go. Simple. See also the forum rules at the top of each page: "Profanity or any kind of insolent behavior to other members (regardless of rank) will not be tolerated." In your case, I would have written to mrtinkles: "Why didn you disable my subs?"
Besides, you are referring to "his" subs, but none of the subs are made or uploaded by mrtinkles.

● Your account was set to read-only for this reason (profanity, NOT just for "protesting"). Mrtinkles COULD have done something else (a warning or a question "why am I an A-hole and an idiot and what makes you think your subs are an improvement?" but then again, also YOU could have done something else. Maybe you remember the sandbox, 60 years ago: "He started!"

● I have no idea if mrtinkles is white, black, yellow or green. In fact, I don't care. But I have no indication whatsoever that his decision was made on racist grounds. On the contrary, your (ungrounded and found false) assumption that it was a racist act is in my humble opinion a kind of racism.

A small reaction to some you said:

● Deleting subtitles is not "playing Adolf Hitler". It is one of the tasks of admins on OpenSubtitles to delete subtitles and to change the status of any user to their own discretion. Be advised that you are a guest in someone else's private house and the admins are the hosts. If you don't like the house rules or the hosts, nobody forces you to be active on OpenSubtitles.

● It's not very reasonable to expect admins to get two second opinions before setting someone's account to read-only already in general, but especially not after being called an A-hole and an idiot. It is not very likely that a reasonable and adult conversation will happen after that.

And to finish off:
Please allow me to demonstrate the manly behaviour which is appropriate in this circumstance:

Gee, mrtinkles if my behavior offended you in any way, you have my sincerest apology.
I hope that in the future you and I can work together to make an even better website.

See . . .

that wasn't so hard. :D
It's rather sad to see that someone (of your age) first spends several terabytes on (multiple, personal) attacks, (ungrounded) accusations and (false) claims and then finishes off with a (cynical) apology - and saying it wasn't so hard.
Actually, it looks like it was pretty damn hard.

To use your own words
Perhaps you should take a break.
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Re: Admin Abuse

Wed Oct 26, 2022 6:47 pm

Dear SmallBrother,

Je hebt een aantal zeer goede punten gemaakt. Een deel van uw analyse is gebrekkig. Maar over het algemeen, of het nu cynisch of oprecht is, voor zover ik weet, ben ik de ENIGE die mans genoeg was om zich te verontschuldigen.

Wanneer het op het punt komt dat je zelfs kritiek uitoefent op iemands verontschuldiging, verlies je je evenwichtsgevoel.

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Re: Admin Abuse

Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:39 pm

Please write in English.
A machine translation:

"Dear SmallBrother,

You have made some very good points. Some of your analysis is flawed. But overall, whether cynical or sincere, as far as I know, I am the ONLY one who was man enough to apologize.

When it gets to the point where you even criticize someone's apology, you lose your sense of balance."

1. Also this is a personal attack.
2. Also all this is besides the point.
3. I think you are the only one who should apologize.

But let's stick to the point, I am a bit tired of all the red herrings.

Your point was that mrtinkles is an A-hole, idiot and racist. Never mind these "LOADS" of spelling errors, but please give me a couple of examples where your subs contained "a better version of black street slang". After all, this was the base of your accusations.

- Please state the original (wrong) subtitle by using URL.
- Please state the actual changes by text and line numbers.

Thank you.
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Re: Admin Abuse

Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:05 pm

this is a personal attack.
That is merely your perception.
You're seeing symbols on a computer screen.
If you feel "attacked", that comes from within you.
all this is besides the point
Once you lose your sense of proportion, there is no point.
I think you are the only one who should apologize.
Who cares? It's already been done. Irregardless of your attempt to undo it.
I am a bit tired of all the red herrings.
Obviously not. You're still throwing up contentious text.
- Please state the original (wrong) subtitle by using URL.
- Please state the actual changes by text and line numbers.
Dude, I've completely lost interest in this matter or participating in other than downloading subs.

Actually what happened is: I had an extremely detailed response to your war text. But then, somehow I closed the wrong window and lost it all.
I took that as a sign I should no longer waste my time with this issue. So I wrote a succinct conclusion and let it be.
Nevertheless, you continued to spew contention.

You mentioned my age.
I have witnessed your type of behaviour over many years online.
You're driven by a compulsion to be "right."

You would do well to compare your comments to those made by scooby007.
He never lost his balance.
His avatar is much friendlier than yours.

Your avatar is contentious.
Your comments are contentious.
You're a one trick pony.

Elvis has left the building. :P

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Re: Admin Abuse

Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:55 pm

Dude, I've completely lost interest in this matter or participating in other than downloading subs.
Yes, maybe it's best to stick to just downloading. As opposed to griefing.
But then, somehow I closed the wrong window and lost it all.
I took that as a sign I should no longer waste my time with this issue.
Always more than one way of looking at things. Maybe it was a sign from the universe not to digress any-more, but to actually show the proof of the accusations you laid on the table.
You know, the ones me and SB asked for?
The fact of the matter is there was never any real unequivocal proof of the accusations, so you have led this merry-go-round to discuss everything else under the sun.
Why, man, why (rhetorical questions)?
So pointless. And time consuming.
I have witnessed your type of behaviour over many years online.
You're driven by a compulsion to be "right."
In psychology this is called self-projection. Remember the merry-go-round of unsubstantiated words of dysentery?
Instead of admitting you made a mistake in your anger to falsely accuse and label someone a racist, we've had this essay worthy of a PhD thesis.
Would you not class that as a "driven by a compulsion to be "right."

You would do well to compare your comments to those made by scooby007.
He never lost his balance.
His avatar is much friendlier than yours.
Thank you. That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me in awhile.
Elvis has left the building. :P
Enjoy downloading and binge watching your fav shows.
Best regards and happy hunting from all the hard working individuals in the background of :)

Topic locked and considered resolved.
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Re: Admin Abuse

Sat Nov 05, 2022 12:33 pm

Topic locked and considered resolved.
Sorry Scooby, due to unforeseen private circumstances it took a bit longer, but here it is.
Actually what happened is: I had an extremely detailed response to your war text. But then, somehow I closed the wrong window and lost it all.
What an unfortunate coincidence. Yet you took the time and effort to react to literally every single line of my small message, EXCEPT "please give me a couple of examples where your subs contained "a better version of black street slang"." You didn't give even ONE example.
And you know why: because there are no such examples. Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

Here is the source of the file comparison, too large to embed in this forum post, so just a link:

If we strip out the differences in timings and the missing dialogue hyphens and limit to only text, we get this:


And if we strip out all your fiddling with hyphens and spaces (baby-sitters/babysitters, housecat/house cat, a-calling/a calling, then--/then-, etc.) we get this:


I don't see the original subs being "LOADED with spelling errors" and I don't see any cases of "missing context decisions". But above all, I don't see any cases of "false interpretation of what black people are saying" or "a better version of black street slang". And so I don't see any reason why the actions of mrtinkles could possibly be racism-based, as you claimed.

There is only one conclusion to be made. You calling mrtinkles a racist is totally ungrounded, and solely based on either lies, hallucinations, or both.

I stated in the first line of my first post "I simply hate racism, so I will take any accusation of such very seriously." But this works two ways. As much as I hate racism, I hate false accusations thereof as well. You are not welcome here any longer. I have banned you as user of the OpenSubtitles forum. Feel free to call me a racist on Facebook, Twitter and Twatter.

Case resolved.
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