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CC from YouTube videos

Wed Mar 20, 2019 3:09 pm

Right now, I'm working on fixing a CC for movie
Road to Happiness (1941)
obtained from video, by visiting, entering video url, and chosing english. Result is mess subtitle, and this is 2th day I traying to fix it. To much time, and I quit for other such "projects". I belive, subtitle was Ok, when uploaded on YouTube, is it possible somehow to get origin? I saw some videos on YouTube about, and seems to me, is it possible. How, exactly?

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Re: CC from YouTube videos

Thu Mar 21, 2019 6:33 am

Im not sure im gettin you.
this CC (subtitles) are auto-genareted (machine), which means the video wasn't uploaded with any subtitles.
anyway, since this particular YT video is blocked from adding addional "real" subtitles,
i suggest contact the uploader and ask them to "open" the option for the "communtiy" to add subtitles.
meanwhile, the best is you can do to press the 3 dot menu and choose "open transcript".

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Re: CC from YouTube videos

Wed Jul 31, 2019 12:03 pm

Hi suadnovic:
Youtube auto transcription are in mode "karaoke" so the lines would overlaped between them.
To correct this, you need to take the begining of second line, substract about 100 ms and use it as ending of the first line. And then the 3rd for 2nd and so on.
I have a google spreadsheet that does that for me.
I uploaded you the srt corrected, so you can correct the other problems that a karaoke have, like the speakers mixed in the same line, etc... ... ppiness-en

I hope it helps.

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Re: CC from YouTube videos

Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:58 am

Hi mvivar,
thanks for your help.
To correct this, you need to take the begining of second line, substract about 100 ms and use it as ending of the first line. And then the 3rd for 2nd and so on.
I have a google spreadsheet that does that for me.
That sounds interesting.
Could you provide this spreadsheet so that one can have a look at it?

I have stored many videoclips from John Olivers Last Week Tonight with the same problem and I'd like to improve that.
"I don't believe in God. I just believe in Billy Wilder" - Fernando Trueba

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Re: CC from YouTube videos

Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:10 am

Hi arcchancellor:

Of course I can. I will be delighted to.

I will send you a PM with an url to the spreadsheet. Just give me a little time to make it 'more understandable' .
I have noticed the rest of the world do not share my logic at all. :)

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