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Sat Mar 24, 2007 12:37 pm

Hello all,

here you can actually find beta, but working version, after API changes, try also delete movie cache, movies.omc file, users reported it helps!

Download OSCAR g2v10.1
released 2008-04-02 (old, not working anymore)

Please also check homepage of OSCAR, where you can find the latest beta versions, which fixes some bugs and introduces new features.

Majky coded nice application in Delphi called OSCAR (OSDb client application - read more in blog), which uses site for downloading and uploading subtitles. For suggesting new features, reporting bugs, reading more info and so on, use OSCAR trac

OSCAR features:
  • quick and accurate search/download of subtitle files for your movies
  • upload subtitles to help out others in need
  • multi-language support of GUI (if you want translate OSCAR to your language, just contact us)
  • Windows Explorer integration
  • command-line parameters
  • proxy support
  • IMDb support
  • drag-n-drop support
  • and much more...



It is definitely worth trying, of course we want your feedback.

Download latest version of OSCAR


G2V10.1 - 02.04.2008 19:32:16 [Majky]
* this is a bug-fix release
# fixed a bug in hash calculation for files 4GB+
it's recommended to delete the cache database (cache\movies.omc)
# temporarily removed sorting from content view, caused problems
will be fixed late

G2V10 - 17.02.2008 17:03:34 [Majky]
+ added persistent caching mechanism for video info
* should significantly improve repeated loading of video files
* also stores IMDb IDs
* cache is stored in the CACHE subdirectory
+ added subtitle file language detection when manually adding subtitle files
* detection results are not 100%, detection takes 1-2 seconds :(
* n-gram files are stored in LOCALE subdirectory, only a few are stored there for now, filename must match language ISO code
* must be enabled in the "Preferences" tab, switched off by default
+ added sorting to 'Download' view
+ added .INI option to save window position
+ added simple instructions for download/upload to right-click menu
* also see ... structions
# fixed a bug loading certain MicroDVD subtitle files in "Show"
# updated imdb.ini
* users can report bugs/suggestions at now
also looking for more testers now ...

G2V9 - 18.10.2007 23:03:56 [Majky]
+ added update of translations from remote OSDb site
* translation updates are available after clicking the language combobox
in the right upper corner of application and selecting '...' from the list
* UTF-8 isn't natively supported by the application (and adding it would
require a major overhaul) so I'm afraid 'chinese' and similar won't work
* don't try to update a translation that's currently selected in UI!

G2V8 - 10.07.2007 16:25:27 [Majky]
# improved xml-rpc module, fixed a few memory leaks too
# improved proxy support in XML-RPC, basic/digest/NTLM worked fine when testing,
comments welcome
* debugging messages are enabled in this release to help in identifying proxy
support problems
* IMDb class still uses InternetOpenURL() Win32 API function to connect to IMDb,
this might be changed later if requested (proxy support)

G2V7 - 05.06.2007 18:47:37 [Majky]
+ added 'Search by IMDb ID' for movie
(uses HTTP, not much error/exception handling yet)
# search limit raised to 50

G2V6 - 23.04.2007 15:19:57 [Majky]
+ added usage of CheckSubHash() xml-rpc API function in 'Upload'
+ added button to unselect all languages in 'Preferences'
+ added more video file types (divx, mkv, ogm, mpg)
+ available command-line options: /search, /upload, @, /ilang, /server
/ilang:sk - start GUI in slovak language
/server:1 - set remote OSDb server to first one in the list in 'Preferences'
e.g. "oscar.exe /search movie1.avi /upload movie2.avi @movies.omh"
will add movie1.avi to 'Download' view, movie2.avi to 'Upload' view
and also import video list movies.omh into 'Upload' view
"/upload" acts like a switch, all options appearing after it on the
command line will be added to 'Upload' view
+ IMDb class: added 'Rating' and logging of actions
# re-designed IMDb class, made some improvements, changes

G2V5 - 03.04.2007 16:18:00 [Majky]
+ limit when searching for subtitles on OSDb server, only 15 video files
at once
+ save log to file
+ 'Add IMDb IDs where possible' function when updating
(calls function CheckMovieHash() on OSDb server), no multi-threading yet
# fixed some nasty mix-ups in toolbar buttons, all should be ok now
# checked multi-language support and fixed all the problems I found
# fixing bugs as I encounter them
* started experimenting with proxy support, sorry if anything stopped working

G2V4 - 28.03.2007 19:01:54 [Majky]
+ added custom User-Agent when communicating with remote OSDb server
+ default directory when adding subtitle files in upload set to movie dir
+ log auto-scroll to last entry
# .INI setting OutputTemplate renamed to SubFileTemplate
+ detect of subtitle files already on local HDD (flag image is ghosted)
+ import/export for lists of video files (starting offline support)
+ multi-threading in manual connect/disconnect and upload
# revamped popup menus and toolbars a bit
# removed checkboxes from Upload content view (they are not needed)
+ added buttons to subtitle file preview, now under 'Show' in popup menu
    Last edited by oss on Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:06 am, edited 18 times in total.

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    feedback ;-)

    Sat Mar 24, 2007 10:44 pm

    Very nice app.
    And no ads :-)
    The G2V4 works fine for me.
    If u want a hungarian translation, contact me...

    Sould be added later:
    Opening other video files than avi.
    For example: mpg, mkv, ogm, divx, mov, ...

    my mistake: Can not select to search for any subtitle language.
    Yes you can, by not selecting any language

    fixed: The GUI is not responding while:
    connencting, disconnecting, uploading.

    added: The Log should always show the latest entries. (scroll down if needed)

    fixed: Error on adding sub file for a video at the upload tab:
    "Can not create t:\"
    Last edited by nb000 on Fri Apr 06, 2007 12:16 am, edited 3 times in total.

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    Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:59 am

    wait for new subdownloader :) But I agree, OSCAR IS COOL. Ok, I have some features/bugs too:

    Uploading screen:
    - when selecting language, I cant scroll down in select box typyng first letters ("cz" for czech for example)
    - it should be nice to have language autodetection like in subdownloader
    - when adding movie, it should find subtitles automatically
    - when adding subtitles, directory select should point to same directory as movie
    - default should be visible (sub, srt, ssa)
    - after adding subtitles it should be automatically checked (max one for one movie)
    - I can't change language for subtitles later (?)
    - print link, if subtitle is uploaded or exists on server
    - it is not possible upload from context menu

    - when called program from context menu, searching should start automatic

    - you dont need to call disconnect() at end of application

    that was my first thoughts :)

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    feedback response

    Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:26 am

    hi, guys.

    sorry for the '' bug reported by nb000, I'll fix that ASAP. It's just some remnants of last minute testing.

    Also please keep in mind that this is an alpha version, especially the upload functionality.

    If you want subtitles to be automatically added with movie (in upload), make sure your template setting is set correctly (see hints.txt for more info).

    Language autodetect will be added later when the basic functionality is working fine and as it should.

    Multi-threading will be added when communicating with OSDb remote server everywhere. It's working when searching and downloading. I just didn't get to the others yet. Also be aware that you don't need to manually connect/disconnect/login to OSDb server, it's done automatically upon search/dl/ul ...

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    Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:27 pm

    just my thoughts:

    1. for uploading, there should be some internal autodetection system. I think, templates are nice, but in default it should work with internal autodetection system, I will describe, how it is done in SubDownloader:

    1. we have movie.avi
    2. look into same directory or directory subs\
    3. look for movie\.(\w+\.).(sub|srt|ssa)

    also there is autodetection system for more CDs (when you add first AVI of 2CDs AVIs...I can describe this either).

    just my $0.02 :)

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    fuature request

    Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:01 am

    It should be possible to set the sub language to any.
    I mean if a translator will only have a timing, it is usefull.

    Much bigger request:
    if no subs are fund,
    search os trough web interface (XML),
    then extract and show result

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    Re: fuature request

    Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:20 am

    It should be possible to set the sub language to any.
    I mean if a translator will only have a timing, it is usefull.
    I agree, search in any language should be useful
    Much bigger request:
    if no subs are fund,
    search os trough web interface (XML),
    then extract and show result
    this is quite easy to code, but I dont think so it is good idea. There are many users, who has no skills how to resync subs. For advanced users maybe yes, but default this should be turned off.

    I thought about better idea, and I'd like to know what do you think:
    1. user will scan his directory with movies (for example I have movies, where I know, no subtitles exists, dir is called "no subtitles")
    2. user will add this directory (recursive), scan it, and maybe he get some results.
    3. program will ask: do you like receive mail, when subtitles will be available ? (of course, user must be logged in)
    4. if he click yes, I will make info about that, and once a day (once a night:) search will be executed, and if something found, send to mail with links to those subtitles.

    This shouldn't be so hard to code maybe :)

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    Re: feedback ;-)

    Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:42 pm

    To improve yet:
    Ability to open other video files than avi.
    For example: mpg, mkv, ogm, divx, mov, ...
    There's built-in support for reading AVI info (time, codecs, etc.), that's why currently video files are limited to .AVI. This will be improved later.
    Can not select to search for any subtitle language.
    You can search for subtitles in any language by simply not selecting any language in 'Preferences', i.e. uncheck all the checkboxes ...

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    Thu Jun 28, 2007 3:11 pm

    new version of OSCAR is out, what about some feedback ? :)

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    Thu Jun 28, 2007 3:30 pm

    new version of OSCAR is out, what about some feedback ? :)
    I may be really dumb, but it took me a while to realize the "OSCAR" link was the download link.

    Maybe link the "You can try it" or a "Download here" link just above the changelog?

    This is the one that's made in delphi, right?

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    Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:19 pm

    This is the one that's made in delphi, right?
    yup, this is the one in Delphi, by me :)

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    Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:23 am

    I may be really dumb, but it took me a while to realize the "OSCAR" link was the download link.
    I hope this is better now :)

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    A few screenshots ;)

    Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:03 pm

    I've decided to post a few screenshots to give you a better idea how the application looks.

    Here they are:

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    Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:38 am


    when can it be translated to hungarian?
    I would like to it ;-)

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    Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:43 am

    There's an online translation tool ready here on opensubtitles. I just didn't want to use it until I have a version that's almost final (in terms of text, labels, messages, etc.)

    Version g2v8 is pretty much what I wanted the program to be (at least for now) so I guess internationalization can be started now.

    We'll try to set it up in the next days (provided not too many people are on vacation, I didn't check yet).

    I'll let you know when it's ready so you can get started.

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