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Why I just can't use your subtitles' database :((

Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:33 am

Hi there, folks.
You have a great site, but... not flexible enough i would say.
The major point is - there's no way to distribute some extra-information required by the authors.

Let me explain. I'm one of those who make fan-subtitles and their translations. Fans you know are way more particular then the "simple-minds" eating every kind of stuff. :wink: They rather want quality. And thus there should be some rules. Has to be information on every "vague place" (indistinct or arguable). And - being a translator - I also cosinder it fair to provide the source, the original text along with my own translation.

Here is example. The archive contains:
1. original English subtitles
2. on base of which were made fan-subs (also in English)
3. and there's Info(eng)-file for them
4. and the Russian-translated subs
5. of course, with Info(rus)-file as well included

There's hell of a work behind them. And to keep it - is at least a respect to the authors, reviewers... and, BTW, to the fans who expect some "quality seal".

So, why can't you reserve a place for extra-files to be included in distribution package? Isn't it pretty close to the spirit of "open-source" or "open-anything-else"?..


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Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:02 pm

that place is comment filed of "author/uploader/subtitle fan". You can write there what you need to say to others.

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Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:31 pm

Impossible. :(

1. if you mean uploader's comments, i can see only their first 58 characters within the archive i've got from your site (not in browser)... though my comments may be 15-20 KB long (and may have as well some specific text formatting)
2. i wish to distribute origin (several files maybe) along with new version of subs - see no other way to discuss issues with fans

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Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:34 am

1.uploader comments are stored on website. I know what you are mean, it should be readable in nfo file too, but it is not possible for obvious reasons (I think). Also, in nfo is still link to orginal subtitles and there should be all author comments and user comments.
2. distribute several files is not good idea (for what?) On site you can write - this is new version of XXX, and also you can disable (delete) your own subtitles.

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Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:52 pm

You're right in some way... assuming links to your site will live forever (that, of course, i truly wish to 'em :wink: ). Still you just don't want to look on subs' archive as on complete distribution package, i think. Pity. :(

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