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Valid time for sending mails (mail subscriptions)

Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:18 pm

Hello all,

there is more and more mail subscriptions - it means, you are logged in, you search something, click on "mail results" icon at bottom, and you will get new subtitles by mail once a day for that query (if exists such a subtitle(s)) -newest, for certain imdb, movie, language - doesnt matter, also this subscription is made for "request movie".
Problem is, amount of these subscriptions is so high, that server is quite slow when processing them (10660 currently - that means 10660 searches...)

So I am thinking way how to remove old. But not every request should be removed - for example I want get nonstop "newest slovak and czech subtitles" to my mail, so this one should not expire. But expire should for example request for certain movie (I am searching czech/slovak subtitles for movie "who killed electric car"). So my idea is:

delete all "mail results" which are older than 1/2 year and contain request for some movie (moviename, imdbid, movieid...)

what do you think about this ?


Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:47 pm

I think it's very reasonable. :D
Problem is, amount of these subscriptions is so high, that server is quite slow when processing them
Maybe it coud be better for server, if more users will use rss instead of email, am I right?

Using rss is quite simple. U need only some rss reader. You can use also built-in rss reader in Opera or e.g. Sage extension in FireFox. Just click on rss icon at the bottom of the result page and then check the channel sometimes.

I think a lot of people don't use rss only because they don't know what it is. It could be partial solution of the problem.

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Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:18 pm

I dont think rss is best way (for server) :) I dont care too much about rss, because it is doing time to time (for example, if you have rss, and rss reader run, it requests every 10 or 20 minutes for same query - "subscription"). So rss is even "expensive" for server, but thats not issue :) Ofcourse I use RSS too, it is cool technology.

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