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Sat May 27, 2006 5:39 am


I registered because i want to know how to "apply" a subtitle to a .avi

The programs i have are:
Classic WMP

after i download a subtitle file from this site what should i do next?

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Sat May 27, 2006 4:06 pm

There are several ways to do so. In my opinion, the better and easiest way is using BSPlayer. With this player, audio and subtitles can be selected with a simple menu (just select "open subtitle file..." and click the ".srt" or ".sub" or ".txt" etcetera file you want).
Or, if you prefer, you can use adiccional software added to your favourite player like VobSub, which will load any subtitle if the name of the subtitle file is exactly the name of the avi file (you'll need another exterior program in order to change subtitles position on the screen, color, or adjust timing, while BSPlayer allows to do it on the fly).
[color=red][b]Vivian:[/b][/color] [i]Why did you have to go on?[/i]
[color=blue][b]Marlowe:[/b][/color] [i]Too many people told me to stop.[/i]

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Sun May 28, 2006 12:51 am

I use a small program called VobSub, is very simple to use it. Download it and install it, then rename the .srt or .sub file so it has the same filename that the .avi ..



Choose whatever player you like, VobSub will start when the video starts and will display the subs.
If you want to sincronize or check some parameters, double click on the green arrow located in the system tray.

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