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Feature request : batch download via NAME search.

Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:28 pm

Hi there,

I've been trying several subs downloaders (SubDownloader, Sublight, SolEol, vrokSub), and have not yet found the right one for me.

I'm gonna explain the feature they all lack and that could almost change my life.
Here's what the perfect sub downloader should be able to do :

For each movie file in a folder :

1) Search subs via a hashing method

2) If a sub is found, we're done. ELSE -->

3) Search sub using NAME method (imdb name and/or name contained in filename or folder name)

4) Download the 3 or 4 most relevant results form previous search.

When the time comes i wanna watch a movie for which no hash sub was found, i would then just have to try and find the correctly synchronized sub, among 3 or 4 files already stored in the right folder.

"Manual" search already exists in most of OS based applications, so the implementation should not be so hard.

To users and developers, what do you think about this feature ?

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Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:49 pm

this is just way how are using programs opensubtitles API. If they implement it, that's question.

If you need some changes in API, let me know.

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Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:56 pm

You're saying that the OS API definitely allows to do that, right ?

I myself am not a skilled programmer, so making a new app is not really an option.
But I think a modification of an existing program (SubDownloader ?) would not require so much work. (and i am willing to contribute if needed).

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Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:25 am

You can browse the source code to SubDownloader here. Or if you'd rather download the code, here's that link: ... .10.tar.gz (found on this page). SubDownloader is implemented in a programming language called Python (read Wikipedia). If you want to learn that, here's a good beginner's tutorial.

It's probably easiest to start trying to make changes in the command line client of Subdownloader. That file is named /cli/ The code that handles connecting to (using their XMLRPC API) is in /modules/ For example look in the functions _DownloadSubtitles, _SearchSubtitles and _SearchMoviesOnIMDB. When searching by hashes Subdownloader uses _SearchSubtitles with video-objects passed as an argument. When searching by name it first uses _SearchMoviesOnIMDB and then uses the found IMDB-ids to pass as an argument to _SearchSubtitles.

That should be enough to get you started if you want.

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Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:46 pm

Thanks for the information,

I'll take a look and see if can contribute.

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Thu Mar 11, 2010 5:03 pm

I cannot get to run CLI from the sources, either by "pyton" or by pyton "cli/"

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Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:07 pm

Actually, unless i'm mistaken I was one of the debs actively requesting name and imdb searches so I could use it for soleol.

I've been about to implement it several times and what's thrown me back is that there is zero tv-series support and according to my numbers over 85% of the subs downloaded are for tv series videos.

Without proper tv series support searching by name is a crime to the users.

What I'm currently doing is adding imdb support for searching movies (but no tv series) and name-based searches in special cases.

I would never, though, provide a mechanism for downloading more than one sub per language per video, as it defeats the purpose of the app. I do think about providing a preview mechanism to be able to test different subs for suitability.
[url=]OpenSubtitles from your desktop: SolEol for Mac/Windows/Linux[/url]
[url=]My current episode processing work flow[/url].

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