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[ADMIN] XML-RPC works for authorised users

Thu May 21, 2009 11:54 am


on Ivan's request (developer of SubDownloader), I enabled XML-RPC for logged in users, so just put username and password in your favorite programs and it should work. We will see, how fill servers perform.

I dont have any news about server, if I will get some I will inform you. Also, thanks for ideas, I am reading them carefully.

Thanks for support guys in these hard times.

Update: just 5 minutes ago I got news, server will be ready tomorrow, so after that "just" install it and we will be more powerful. Problem is, I think, 500 and 503 will not disappear completely :(

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Thu May 21, 2009 7:31 pm

Good idea. API download actions should have always be authenticated anyway.

Congratulations on the server. Step by step :)
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[ADMIN] XML-RPC works for everybody

Tue May 26, 2009 9:13 am


so next server is online and working - we need more testing, but it looks ok so for. We enabled XMLRPC for everybody (so you won't get 401 unauthorised).

We will see how it will perform. We are planning to upgrade 2 servers (we will put there 1 CPU to each one, so each servers got 2 CPUs/8 cores)

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Tue May 26, 2009 9:57 am

Considering the API is free (and no ads are served) I believe it makes sense to keep it authenticated. It's common for all open APIs and hurts noone (as long as information is *ALWAYS* secure, secret and sacred. There's nothing worse for credibility than a site sharing confidential data with *anyone*, no excuse possible).

That way you at least get users to get in the web at least once in a while. This is important because I'm sure there are tons of users out there (for example, Boxee users) that have never even entered OpenSubtitles. Even if they see the logo on their app. No need for it, you see?

I'd be willing to go with an OAuth authentication method that forces the user to periodically go to the web to authenticate than to keep it anonymous. Everybody wins and handled correctly nobody is affected.
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Wed May 27, 2009 5:27 am

yes, maybe it is good idea to have it only for Authenticated users, question is if it is really needed. I don't want bother users with another username/login, personally I hate registering anywhere. User just want launch program and it should work, without any registering, if possible. OS was designed like that, do not bother users.

I dont think I will change this behavior, maybe in next generation OS, for now it stays open for everybody.

Of course we have to think about business model, I am not sure what is better:
1. force users to login every 1 month through website
2. put 1 line ad to subtitles

Maybe combining of this two is way to go :) If user is "expired" (not for some kind of membership like silver member, vip and so on) or anonymous he will get in subs some one line ad at the beggining. If he is authenticated, that means he generate some revenue, he will not get any ads in subtitles.

Also I am thinking to put at the end of subtitles something like "Uploaded to by USER on 12.12.2012" of course in subtitle language...

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Wed May 27, 2009 8:24 pm

I would strongly advise against changing the subtitles. To my eyes no benefit can justify it. You have the last word, of course.

As for the importance to the uploader. For OpenSubtitles, in particular, if a subtitle is matched then the merit is shared between the uploader and the matcher. The biggest benefit it the OSDb database, and that is made by the matchers (some of which are also uploaders). I've always thought they are forgotten in this sense.

I care a lot more about the single subtitle someone has matched to my video than the twenty different versions someone uploaded without matching.

As for your options: Isn't forcing the user to login every "x" months almost the same as authenticating but without the benefits?
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Again problems using API

Thu May 28, 2009 1:05 pm

Is anyone else having problems using api? So API is again open to all or only for authenticated? After announcement that api was only for authenticated users it worked really well.... But for few days I have again had problems using it.

Maybe it could be somehow guaranteed that requests from authenticated users goes through with higher priority than unauthenticated users if unauthenticated users are wanted.

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[ADMIN] Need MySQL expert

Thu May 28, 2009 6:58 pm

Hi all,

so server is online, but you are getting OS is overloaded. Nope, OS is not overloaded, I just set custom message for error 500. Why this happens ? I think it is because MYSQL cannot connect to db. I described my problem here:

more is here:,262 ... msg-262042

so if there is somebody who can help with this error, I will be really happy, coz we are running out of ideas, why this happens. After fixing this, I believe OS will work a lot better.

Thank you.

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Fri May 29, 2009 2:46 pm

Looks like you're overloading your mySQL server/are out of connections (even when it's set to 3072...)

Have you tried looking in the slow_query_log (if enabled, else enable it for a while) to see if there might be some obvious indexes to create to gain some speed ?

See your setting for slow_query_log = /data/mysql/mysql-slow-queries.log

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Sat May 30, 2009 1:22 pm

thats problem with netowrk stuff, when I connect there using socket or loopback (localhost) it connects without any problem...

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Sun May 31, 2009 5:50 pm

API seems to be almost useless... It seems that almost every time it fails to respond.

Have you tried to replace network cards, switch or update network drivers?

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Sun May 31, 2009 6:37 pm

API seems to be almost useless... It seems that almost every time it fails to respond.

Have you tried to replace network cards, switch or update network drivers?
It's not only the API. I constantly get these messages using the web: ... b6a8172925

I was testing that yesterday and it kept throwing errors at me.
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Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:58 am

thats problem with netowrk stuff, when I connect there using socket or loopback (localhost) it connects without any problem...
Allright, I see (also saw you post on percona)
Problem looks indeed to lie in the network, I assume you have raised the fs-max on to allow more open filehandles (as a socket-port is also a filehandle) ? What are the ulimit's ?

It seems that server can not handle the port-sockets requests (fast enough)

See also the very high aborted/completed ratio on syncache number:

305898576 syncache entries added
36945318 completed
268952956 aborted

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Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:22 am

Hello, I am monitoring the work and discussion with the administration of all the OS here and I'm cheering that all resolves itself. I am Brazilian, student of computer science and I am happy for the participation of all who can help or contribute to the solution of this problem. I believe a solution will be found and everyone can enjoy this great and wonderful service that the OS can offer.

If want my contact to exchange ideas and experiences:
msn\email: [email protected]
skype: helenomauro

thx 4 all!! :D

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