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New software with integrated subtitle generation and translation.

Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:33 pm

I've developed a new program with a few friends of mine, which can be used to quickly generate subtitles for videos (vocal extraction and filtering of background sound) and supports translation to and from over 100 languages, also supporting GPT to enhance translation.
image.png (90.08 KiB) Viewed 29548 times
BTW: I am human :D if need any help just pm me or reply this post.

Newly registered users are offered a 30-minute free trial. Of course, I welcome users of the forum to give us some valuable advice, and if it is adopted we hope to give it back to the users who have helped us.

I'm not going to be too long-winded by giving a brief introduction here, but you can check out the blog post for more details: ... h-quato-ai

AI Translation: Enhances the accuracy of subtitle translation, making it more contextually relevant.

GPU Acceleration: Utilizes N/A cards for accelerated processing, completing a 1-hour video in just 10 minutes.

Separation Technology: Accurately extracts audio even in environments with continuous noise.

Intelligent Enhancement Algorithm: An exclusive optimization solution that improves subtitle accuracy.

One-Click Subtitle Generation: Simply select the video source language and the subtitle language to generate with one click.

Editable Subtitles: Allows users to edit translation results, adjusting time and content.

Multi-Task Queue: Add multiple videos in batch for automatic, sequential translation and subtitling.

Resumable Tasks: Progress is saved and not lost even when the client is closed.

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Re: New software with integrated subtitle generation and translation.

Sat Dec 30, 2023 10:33 am

Looks nice, unfortunately I can not test it because I have no windows installed.
Is the transcription based on Whiper AI model?

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Jan de Uitvreter
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Re: New software with integrated subtitle generation and translation.

Sat Dec 30, 2023 2:23 pm

So far, nothing wrong with SE's integrated Wisper and/or Vosk/Kaldi.
So why should I pay for this speech recognition function?

Regards, Jan

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Re: New software with integrated subtitle generation and translation.

Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:48 am

So far, nothing wrong with SE's integrated Wisper and/or Vosk/Kaldi.
So why should I pay for this speech recognition function?

Regards, Jan
Hello Again Jan,

Great to see you exploring the vast landscape of AI speech recognition, this time on another post. Your unwavering support for SE's integrated Wisper and Vosk/Kaldi models is truly admirable.

Now, let's address the burning question: Why pay for speech recognition when SE's integrated models seem to get the job done? A valid inquiry, indeed.

Imagine you're in a world-class restaurant enjoying a fine dining experience. SE's models are like the standard cutlery provided – functional, gets the job done, and serves most diners well. But, my friend, what if I told you there's a hidden gem, an exclusive VIP dining experience, right next door? is not just about functionality; it's about the symphony of precision, speed, and versatility. Our AI models are the Michelin-star chefs of the transcription world, meticulously trained and refined for linguistic perfection. It's not merely about getting the job done; it's about getting it done with finesse, accuracy, and a touch of AI elegance.

While SE might offer a buffet of basic options, we at curate a gourmet menu of cutting-edge AI models from AWS, Assembly AI, DeepL, and more. It's not just speech recognition; it's a transcendental experience in language processing. The kind that leaves you marveling at the nuances of each linguistic flavor.

So, Jan, the next time you're at the metaphorical linguistic banquet, remember that SE might provide a quick snack, but offers a feast for the discerning connoisseur.

Bon appétit,
The Epicurean Developer

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Jan de Uitvreter
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Re: New software with integrated subtitle generation and translation.

Sun Dec 31, 2023 2:45 pm

BRAVO, you are definitely the salesman of the year.
But let's face it bro, you try to convince people in the wrong store.
And big posters does not makes it any better.
The future seems to be bright for you're AI applications,
but believe it or not, that's not going to happen overhere.
Almost nobody (except os) is interested in your application.
I know a thing or two about subtitling movies and you not.
It doesn't matter that you don't know much about subbing
you have definitely other quality's that I don't have.

Wishing you the very best and a fruitful 2024 with your application

Kind regards, Jan de Uitvreter

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Re: New software with integrated subtitle generation and translation.

Mon Jan 22, 2024 12:09 pm

Ah, my esteemed forum friend, your skepticism rivals that of those who once questioned the need for steam engines or scoffed at the idea of electricity lighting up our lives. Bravo, indeed!

While I appreciate your keen eye for subtleties in subtitling, let's not forget that even the brightest minds couldn't predict the impact of innovations like the steam engine or electricity when they first burst onto the scene. Back then, they might have said, 'Who needs this noisy steam contraption when horses get the job done just fine?' Or perhaps, 'Why bother with electricity? I can navigate my way through life perfectly well in the dark.'

Just like those trailblazers who dared to dream beyond the status quo, we're here, ready to revolutionize the world of subtitles with the power of AI. Sure, big posters don't solve everything, but neither did mere candlelight illuminate the path to progress.

Here's to a future where even the skeptics find themselves reimagining subtitles through the lens of innovation and a touch of humor!


PS.: Whisper, the once-trusty companion on our AI journey, has bid adieu to our list of supported models. Its overall quality left us yearning for more, and with Assembly AI strutting onto the scene with reduced prices, well, it was simply impossible to resist its charms. Trust us, it's like upgrading from a tricycle to a spaceship.

Embark on a subtitle adventure with unparalleled speed and top-notch quality at Give it a spin today and witness the magic of AI weaving subtitles with finesse.


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