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I done goofed up (BD vs DVD release SRTs)

Thu Dec 28, 2023 8:40 pm

So I was super excited to upload some subtitles (SRTs) for the new BD release of Babylon 5, and I did (because the existing DVD derived ones, at least in my experience, don't line up quite right), BUT how can I after the fact differentiate my uploads (so far only season 1) from the OG uploads from 2 million years ago? Or do I just need to somehow nuke the existing ones and figure out a way to designate these as BD release SRTs?

Thanks for any help!

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Re: I done goofed up (BD vs DVD release SRTs)

Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:28 am

Link to instructions for correcting and updating of subtitles:


I spot checked subs and noted for reference while you are correcting:

Subtitles I checked are all SDH and this was not flagged. Please note and update HI designation.

MT (Machine Translation) is checked, but I believe you stated source as BD. This would not be applicable if your source is EN pgs.

No FPS is stated, typically 23.976 for BD.

Hope this helps.

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