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Saving SRT file to a video

Sat Jun 03, 2023 5:43 pm


I am sorry but I was unable to find the answer in the FAQ. I have individual videos of movies and was able to find the .SRT files associated with the VIDEOS but I need to load the SRT file everytime I play the video. Any recommendations on how to save the SRT file to a MP4 Video?
Thank you

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Re: Saving SRT file to a video

Sat Jun 03, 2023 7:33 pm

When needing to add subtitles inside video-file most easiest program that I know is MKVToolNix.
It lets you add or remove tracks from video without needing to re-encode everything.

EDIT: It's free from their homepage, it cost at Microsoft Store.

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Re: Saving SRT file to a video

Sun Jun 04, 2023 2:36 am

i think tbirdmine meant another thing: not how to mux the subtitle files inside the video container (as with MkvToolNix), but how to just play video and sub file automatically together
in this scenario, with most players it's enough to give the same name to the files...
so the sub will be
or you can even add an additional extension, like:

and of course, you keep both the video and the sub file in the same directory

also, some players read the sub file automatically, if you put them in a subdirectory called "Subs", but you normally have to rename the sub files in any case :)

VLC, but also MPC-BE, MPC-HC, OpenSubtitlesPlayer, etc. work like this
the Windows native apps to read video files don't work like this, but i have no idea how they work, and i would recommend not to use them , and to go for something like VLC

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Re: Saving SRT file to a video

Sun Jun 04, 2023 6:42 am

Reading again tbirdmine post, probably he meant exactly what Noobz4Life answered :oops:
in this case, other than MKVToolNix, you can also try FFmpeg Batch AV Converter, or MKVBatch if you have to do BATCH operations (groups of files)
As reference to look for this kind of software, they are called "Muxers": muxing is the operation to put different tracks (video, audio, subs) in one container format (.Avi, .Mkv, .Mp4, etc)

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