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Offer of Subtitle Editing Assistance

Tue Apr 18, 2023 10:45 pm

If this is the wrong place for this or not acceptable for some reason, please delete. I am new here and have looked around the forum but still not sure where to post this.

I am a Canadian professional English-language writer/editor/proofreader interested in helping with subtitle files. Years ago I worked on subtitles for Tesla: Master of Lightning (PBS) and enjoyed the process.

Perhaps my skills could be useful in editing subtitle works in progress. I am talking about receiving the .text files and proofreading them for accuracy in spelling, etc., which might be challenging for others, especially those who are not native English speakers.

I have a new iMax desktop and the time to do this. From time to time I have used subtitles from OS (yesterday, in fact, and noticed some errors in the English subtitles that I could easily fix).

I am not prepared at this time to initiate subs; I am just talking about editing. Or even just proofreading for anyone who wants to make sure their subtitles are correct.

If this is useful or of interest to anyone (and isn't deleted by staff for whatever reason), you are welcome to send me a DM to discuss.

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Re: Offer of Subtitle Editing Assistance

Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:34 pm

I have a new iMax desktop and the time to do this. From time to time I have used subtitles from OS (yesterday, in fact, and noticed some errors in the English subtitles that I could easily fix).
After editing subtitles, as long as not just minor changes, you can just upload that subtitle on the site yourself and make a report to delete that previous subtitle (if by anonymous). If the other subtitle is uploaded by an active user or an admin, then they can use your file and upload as version 2 for their original upload. That's some options to consider which would be a faster process.

Of course you can also wait for a user to contact you to "proofread", which I believe would be a long time before anyone does. :D
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