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Help With Linear Drifting

Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:03 am

Hello everyone,

I am having some trouble syncing some subtitles I created and I would be forever grateful if someone could help me out.

Some context first, I am a translator and I don't know much about the actual technical stuff behind all the subtitles.
My client sent a file (about 34:07 running time at the video player) with a separate timecode (Shifted +09:58:15:00) hard coded at the top of the video. And they want me to match the subtitles with the hard coded timecode.
So the actual file starts at 00:00 but the hard coded timecode starts at 09:58:15:00.
As I understand it, this file is to be used for dubbing.
The video is in 23.97 FPS so it is a drop frame video?

Now, I typically just use Aegisub to do all my translations and this time was no different.
So I figured I would just translate and time the 34:07 minute video as a usual file, and then shift it by +09:58:15:00 so it would match the hard coded timecode.
But now the subtitles at the end are starting to desync or shift. The subtitles at the beginning are totally fine but then get gradually worse at the end. I suspect this has something to do with the frame rate or the drop frames, but I'm very confused here and don't really know how to fix it.

I have tried changing everything, from changing the FPS to changing it to non-drop rate, but nothing seems to be working.

Is there something I can do to fix it?

I appreciate any kind of help.
Thank you.

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Re: Help With Linear Drifting

Fri Jan 20, 2023 3:40 pm


Does the video compared to the subs you have, have missing frames/scenes? If not, I guess you could copy the time codes from the hardcoded file to the other file using "Point Sync" from SubtitleEdit, maybe? Otherwise, dunno. :cry:
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