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Joined: Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:27 pm

Get one subtitle per episode of a show ?

Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:45 pm


I would like to make an app that allows the user to search quotes by keywords from any episode of a given show.

Here are the steps from the user's point of view :
- submit show title ;
- select show ;
- submit keywords ;
- read matching quotes ;

Here are the steps I imagined from my developer point of view :
- list matching shows by title on TMDB ;
- list subtitles by TMDB ID on OpenSubtitles ;
- download one subtitle per episode ;
- search for occurences in each subtitle.

But, after reviewing OpenSubtitles' API, turns out I can't list all subtitles for a show without making a separate request for each episode nor downloading subtitles without making a request to get a temporary link for it.

Which means, here are the actual steps :
- list matching shows by title on TMDB ;
- list all episodes for selected show on TMDB ;
- list all subtitles for each episode on OpenSubtitles ;
- get a temporary link for one subtitle for each episode on OpenSubtitles ;
- download each subtitle from said link.

There's no way I can make that much requests without hitting the rate limit, right ?
If yes, what other option do I have ?


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Re: Get one subtitle per episode of a show ?

Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:17 pm

for this would be good if we index and search in subtitle contents. The db would be quite huge, it is not impossible to do, but it is problem for now, we have another more important things to do.

You can write me PM, maybe I have idea how we can help

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Joined: Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:27 pm

Re: Get one subtitle per episode of a show ?

Sat Oct 29, 2022 12:52 am

Done, thanks !

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