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Re: stop removing every freakin comment people make om subtitles

Sun Apr 18, 2021 10:59 pm

I'm not autistic form of a sad bunch of individuals and feel offended.
Can I please ask SB to ban subbetje for good. He/she doesn't read or reflect much and keeps playing the same record. Nobody cares about his/her quest (at least I did not read any support for his/her wishful thinking).

My advise -again- to subbetje: Start your own website and don't bother other people.

Thank you.

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Re: stop removing every freakin comment people make om subtitles

Mon May 31, 2021 3:17 pm

Sjeezz, I fall asleep for a few weeks and this happens? This is why I politely refused to become admin years ago btw ;-)

A bit late, but just my two bits:

I've worked databases for a couple of years. It's ungrateful work... It's like you go to a great looking mansion, work there 24/7 and no one has a clue what you do or did all year, nothing seems to change much and most don't even know your name.

This website is a huge database, you may not see it, but it's a crapload of work for admins and moderators (few weeks ago I reported 2k+ wrong IMDB-ID's, I have another 3k lined up and prolly another 10k+ I haven't found yet). The only thing that matters is that it works properly, and is maintainable with lowest possible costs.

The comment section is meant for certain discussions regarding that subtitle. I used to write: 'Found an error? Post it here and I'll fix it'. I don't need the thank you's, it simply takes up needless space on the server and sends you a notification you don't need, which in turn takes away bandwidth and cpu-cycles (equals costs). I don't do this for the comments, I do this for myself and whomever wants to have it. There is, or shouldn't really be competition either: It's trying to make available subs for users in your language. This is not like the ftp-racing scene releases for credits on Top Level in the ol' days. The 'thank you' button isn't even the most important, the download count is. Maybe, if we ask nicely, Admin can make a new page with monthly most appreciated subs (thanks given or download count) per top 10-users or post that on your profile.

I've known SmallBrother for about 8 or 9 yrs, I used to be NN1 (the tag that Goffini always deleted, also the 'retail'-guy). He's never been unkind or unjust in any way, always willing to help. Come to think of it: I think he also mentioned to me that I should stop posting 'thanks' at one time ;-)

I don't know Subbetje, don't know what his motives are. It just looks to me, from what I've read here, is that he doesn't have much to do and uses the site to get the attention that he lacks in life. Removing the comments might be messing up the one hobby that he has.

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Re: stop removing every freakin comment people make om subtitles

Mon May 31, 2021 5:48 pm

Agreed with most on what has already been said, so there was no need for me to throw my weight around.
I've worked databases for a couple of years. It's ungrateful work...
Yes and no. I don't think there's any admin that handles the "report" section that doesn't know your name, and a few other users, for that matter. So your work and others like you is appreciated, just no way of rewarding it. Know that your reports and from others is always appreciated, and we know who goes the extra mile for the community, hence the admin job was offered to you. :D
You may want to also reconsider, as those 10k reports you're planning on submitting might be easier using admin tools to make the changes.

At the end of the day this community belongs to all it's users and it's up to us to maintain it.
As admins and general users.
Maybe, if we ask nicely, Admin can make a new page with monthly most appreciated subs (thanks given or download count) per top 10-users or post that on your profile.
Something similar to this already exists, surprised a veteran like you hasn't found it.
Check out the following link:
It's under "statistics" on the bottom of the main OS page.
Hopefully a better feature and layout will be available on the .com version of the site.

I think this thread has had it's glory and it's about time "someone" locked it.
Besides, it only now seems to be serving an old buddy of mines ego at the minute. :lol:
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