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API Question Regarding Download Limit

Sun Feb 21, 2021 12:08 am

HI, this is the flow of operations we're using to get the subtitles for our app

1) we generate a token using username, password, and then useragent over to
2) we get a token and then do search by imdb using that token
3) we get a list of subtitles along with their properties and download link that looks like this:

Code: Select all
now onto our question, we are hitting a limit based on IP and not a limit based on user/password for some reason

how do we use basic authentication on the download link so that OSS api knows its US trying to download subtitle and not the IP trying to download the subtitle, so that it counts downlaods per 24 per username/password(account) and not IP

when logging into our account and checking show_my_ip.php we have several more subtitle downloads per 24 hours.

This is a also a recent behavior... very strange

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Re: API Question Regarding Download Limit

Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:02 pm

thanks for this post, I was able to locate the problem and hopefully fix it, please update if it was fixed.

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