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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:06 pm

Yes, he means foreign parts only / forced.
See viewtopic.php?t=17278
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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:48 am

Os it will be possible to send pm through the site?
Or will we have to keep coming to the forum to do that.
Finally it's online, now you can send private messages !

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:13 pm

Dear sir,

1: Can we have the ability to change our profile picture please?

2: Website in parts looks so small on a PC screen for relative information a downloader may want.
Can we have a desktop version as standard and users that want a mobile version can request it from the URL bar on their phone?

3: When clicking on "All subtitles for this movie in this language", the list that is displayed there and generally, can it as standard be the way .org is where the first ever upload is at the bottom of the page and the newest ones at the top in order?
When I looked, they look like their in random order.

4: Under notifications it says a user gave my subtitles "5 stars", but I can't see that information or who that user was on the subtitle page itself.
Link to subtitle as example: ... 264-yts-lt

5: On .org I can look at all subtitles uploaded in a particular language in a full page list like this: ... uageid-dut
.com site page is cramped and just doesn't look appealing or useable here:

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:37 pm

Dear sir,

1: Can we have the ability to change our profile picture please?
For now we display user icons based on gravatar. It is a web service allowing you to associate an image with your email, so that you don't need to upload it everytime you create an account somewhere

2: Website in parts looks so small on a PC screen for relative information a downloader may want.
Can we have a desktop version as standard and users that want a mobile version can request it from the URL bar on their phone?
We use a different approach, using a "responsive" system that adjusts to the screen rather than making different versions.

there's been a lof of changes in the past few days, can you give me an example of a badly displayed page ? (or a print screen ?)
note, make sure you are not zoomed in or out (do CTRL-0 or CMD-0) on a mac

3: When clicking on "All subtitles for this movie in this language", the list that is displayed there and generally, can it as standard be the way .org is where the first ever upload is at the bottom of the page and the newest ones at the top in order?
When I looked, they look like their in random order.
you can click on the heading to sort any table, by default they are ordered by number of downloads, but you can really order in any direction
4: Under notifications it says a user gave my subtitles "5 stars", but I can't see that information or who that user was on the subtitle page itself.
Link to subtitle as example: ... 264-yts-lt
There was a bug here, will be fixed shortly, normally the page should display the ratings/comments.

Until it is fixed, you can see the comments if you click on "rate subtitle"

5: On .org I can look at all subtitles uploaded in a particular language in a full page list like this: ... uageid-dut
.com site page is cramped and just doesn't look appealing or useable here:
Well they are a bit different, the show the latest movies added to the database, not the latest subtitles

the latest movies or tv subtitles are at the bottom of the and

it just shows the last 40 uploads.

Note: I'm working on a new multi search at the moment, that should answer many needs.

Hope that helps, thanks for your feedback

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:01 pm

you can click on the heading to sort any table, by default they are ordered by number of downloads, but you can really order in any direction
Thanks for response.
I'll provide a picture when I have more time for the spacing issues I experience.

Can we have the default as it is for the .org site? Oldest at the bottom and new at the top by default please?
Cos currently the subtitle at the top will be some machine translated nonsense that was uploaded when the movie was first release and a retail version will be at the bottom. Prompting most users to continually download the one at the top cos it has the most downloads and the retail will be hidden at the bottom somewhere. I don't think that's the best default option.

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:29 pm

Yes it make sense to have the latest subtitles on top, this is why it is the default... I double checked, and it was asked before, so without clicking on anything, on page load, the subtitles are sorted by upload date, most recent first.

Please provide an example.... note, since we do have a translation system on the site, it is possible that a translated subtitle would appear first on the list, as a translation is treated as a new upload. (also please note, this is not junk google translate, but a new system of AI translation, might not be perfect but it is a huge improvement)

So, please check again and let me know, if there's a way that you don't see the latest subtitles first, there is a bug I need to identify and fix.

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:20 pm

Checked a few pages, and it does look to be oldest to newest. Thank you.
If you could just change the date format to reflect the .org layout of: DD/MM/YEAR, please.
That aspect of it will be perfect.

Also, whilst searching for other movies, sometimes got this error:
DataTables warning: table id=ajax_subtitles_datatable_621821 - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see

Also, on this link I get "content was removed": ... ddp5-1-evo
Those subtitles still exist on .org.

Would be nice if the "Subtitles" section was a little larger and had the subtitle uploader comment displayed as standard, as opposed to hovering over that (i) symbol to see if there are any notes. That's more time consuming if you're checking multiple subs opened in different tabs.

Underneath that section there is ample room that is wasted and could contain that info as standard.
At the moment we have massive boxes and space of:

1: Rate quality of subtitles (0 votes)
2: Fileinfo

These can be compacted and to include uploader comments.
Picture view at the moment of what I see:
See that wasted space on the right side that could be used.
Also to include features on that main page, such as: "All subtitles for this movie in this language."

In full subtitle list like here: ... -fu-hustle
The top subtitle doesn't have a "foreign parts only" symbol on it.

In comparison to .org site: ... idmovie-57
You can see the top version is a "foreign parts only" with the symbol on it.

If you type the wrong movie name and hit search, something random just happens or it shows the closest thing it thinks it is.
The .org site says: "Did you mean" followed by correct spelling of the movie with the link to the subtitles.
Eventually please try to include stuff like that which is a good feature.

At the moment searching for "Midnight Ron," the movie Midnight Run is in fifth place: ... d_sources-

The picture spacing thing I mentioned before, on some pages it is worse, but I included the following for now:
It seems the space on the right side of the picture is wasted and could be used for relevant information. Those info boxes that normally appear on subtitle pages on the right top corner could be made bigger for a PC viewer and included in that wasted space on the right side.

Site looks good in general and can't wait to use it, but at the movement, although .org is old fashioned and quaint in comparison to .com, it's still far superior in its standard/hidden functionality links and tabs. These functions make the site easily navigable and saves plenty of time when conducting multiple searches.

I can't see any submitted hashes on subtitles on the .com site, neither.
Will that be included in the future somewhere?

Before completing that site, I don't mind more and better features, but please don't get rid of the old useful features that we already have, love and rely upon.
Such as what we find on subtitle pages on .org site:

1: All subtitles for this movie in this language 2: All subtitles for this movie
3: All subtitles from this user 4: Request this subtitle for a different release

At least 1, 2 and 3 are fairly important.

Thank you

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:40 pm

Checked a few pages, and it does look to be oldest to newest. Thank you.
If you could just change the date format to reflect the .org layout of: DD/MM/YEAR, please.
That aspect of it will be perfect.
oh, no sorry, this I won't. I might add a user setting so that user can pick any format, but I cannot make this a default

YYYY-MM-DD is the database format, I'll keep it for now, the thing is, it's the only date format that can be simply be sorted
Also, whilst searching for other movies, sometimes got this error:
DataTables warning: table id=ajax_subtitles_datatable_621821 - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see
Yeah, they still occur sometimes... There's a lot of upgrades coming soon to fix all the subtitles tables.

Also, on this link I get "content was removed": ... ddp5-1-evo
Those subtitles still exist on .org.
ok, that was an admin mistake, all subtitles for this movie were disabled

Would be nice if the "Subtitles" section was a little larger and had the subtitle uploader comment displayed as standard, as opposed to hovering over that (i) symbol to see if there are any notes. That's more time consuming if you're checking multiple subs opened in different tabs.
The comments are also printed on the dark box on the side, visible without hovering or click (guess they are not visible enough then...)

Underneath that section there is ample room that is wasted and could contain that info as standard.
At the moment we have massive boxes and space of:

1: Rate quality of subtitles (0 votes)
2: Fileinfo
well both of these have a set of actions linked to them, on the rate you can either set your rating, or see the existing, and on the file info you can see the subtitle details, and preview of the subtitles.... would be hard to squeeze those 2 on a line.

These can be compacted and to include uploader comments.
Picture view at the moment of what I see:
See that wasted space on the right side that could be used.
subtitles comments are in the sidebar, if there was a discussion on, it appears here

Also to include features on that main page, such as: "All subtitles for this movie in this language."
al the links are in the "resources" tab, but guess this one is also not visible enough.... I added 2 big fat buttons on the sidebar

In full subtitle list like here: ... -fu-hustle
The top subtitle doesn't have a "foreign parts only" symbol on it.

In comparison to .org site: ... idmovie-57
You can see the top version is a "foreign parts only" with the symbol on it.

Thanks a lot for this one !! wasn't even a bug, I just didn't plan an icon for that !

If you type the wrong movie name and hit search, something random just happens or it shows the closest thing it thinks it is.
The .org site says: "Did you mean" followed by correct spelling of the movie with the link to the subtitles.
Eventually please try to include stuff like that which is a good feature.

At the moment searching for "Midnight Ron," the movie Midnight Run is in fifth place: ... d_sources-
yeah this one is tricky, will probably evolve as we improve the search in the API also.... the thing is, the search is also performed on the original titles, even in a foreign script like "功夫"
for now the priority is on word match before sentences, it also accepts letters errors, like "ran" instead of "run"... for now the idea is mostly to have the proper results listed, will try to improve the sorting, but there's so many use case where this one or that one should be on top....

The picture spacing thing I mentioned before, on some pages it is worse, but I included the following for now:
It seems the space on the right side of the picture is wasted and could be used for relevant information. Those info boxes that normally appear on subtitle pages on the right top corner could be made bigger for a PC viewer and included in that wasted space on the right side.
okay, that one didn't strike me as I enlarged the main container last week.... I increased the size of the posters accordingly

but when it comes to white space, it's a common thing with dynamic site, and responsive contents.... we define zones in the page, that will expand and resize, in some cases the contents are longer / larger, then the layout fits better, in others it's more empty, and it looks weird....

Site looks good in general and can't wait to use it, but at the movement, although .org is old fashioned and quaint in comparison to .com, it's still far superior in its standard/hidden functionality links and tabs. These functions make the site easily navigable and saves plenty of time when conducting multiple searches.

I can't see any submitted hashes on subtitles on the .com site, neither.
Will that be included in the future somewhere?

Before completing that site, I don't mind more and better features, but please don't get rid of the old useful features that we already have, love and rely upon.
Such as what we find on subtitle pages on .org site:

1: All subtitles for this movie in this language 2: All subtitles for this movie
3: All subtitles from this user 4: Request this subtitle for a different release

At least 1, 2 and 3 are fairly important.

Thank you

1: already in subtitles and movies pages
2: already in subttiles and movies pages
3: click on the username anywhere you see it, you'll see his uploads (note: this page sucks I know, it will be replaced, like every subtitles table on the site with an improved version pretty soon. So there's no search or filters for now, but you can see the uploads)
4: there's no uploads or requests yet on Synchronising in one way .org -> .com is already complex, but synchronising in both is just impossible, by the nature of the systems. So as long as we don't move the uploads to, they will have to be done on

Thank you so much for the detailed feedback !


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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:55 pm

al the links are in the "resources" tab, but guess this one is also not visible enough.... I added 2 big fat buttons on the sidebar
I just saw it. Thank you so much. Is better in plain sight rather than looking for it under "resources" :D
subtitles comments are in the sidebar, if there was a discussion on, it appears here
By that I meant the comment the uploader has submitted upon upload, not general user comments. As far as I can tell, uploader comments can only be seen when hovering over the (i) icon.
Thanks a lot for this one !! wasn't even a bug, I just didn't plan an icon for that !
You're welcome. I noticed you've included that icon and I hope all "foreign parts only" subs on .com now have that symbol.
When you have the time, you may also need to include it in the current search parameter. At the moment that just has options for HI/none HI sub search.

Finally in this link: ... _sources-1

Look at my sub, it says under release name: Kung Fu Hustle 2004.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY 2004 - Kung Fu Hustle
That should just be: Kung Fu Hustle 2004.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY
The 2004 - Kung Fu Hustle written again is useless, confusing and waste of space.
It's similar on other subtitles as well.

I'm sure all that extra stuff wasn't there last I looked. If you get rid of that, we should be able to make the icon for foreign parts only, HD and HI a little bigger please. Even on a 24" screen it looks relatively small to make out. And I assure you, I have no visual impairment. :)

Please do include in settings to be able to display sub layout in: DD/MM/YEAR for users. Even if not logged in if possible.
It makes it easier to view the date of upload. Current way all you see is the year first. Which is harder for a quick look if 20 subs were uploaded in 2020.

I think we're moving in the right direction. I'll be back with more stuff when I have more time to experiment with .com. :lol:

Thank you so much for making the changes so far.
Awesome! :D

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Tue Nov 17, 2020 8:24 pm

By that I meant the comment the uploader has submitted upon upload, not general user comments. As far as I can tell, uploader comments can only be seen when hovering over the (i) icon.
it is the same comment in the sidebar, and when you hover over the i icon.

The subtitle discussion appear just before the uploader box (but I just realized it's not working for now, sorry)

You're welcome. I noticed you've included that icon and I hope all "foreign parts only" subs on .com now have that symbol.
When you have the time, you may also need to include it in the current search parameter. At the moment that just has options for HI/none HI sub search.
Comming soon, actually for these last fix I made changes to the old (current) search

The new search will contain every possible option

Finally in this link: ... _sources-1

Look at my sub, it says under release name: Kung Fu Hustle 2004.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY 2004 - Kung Fu Hustle
That should just be: Kung Fu Hustle 2004.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY
The 2004 - Kung Fu Hustle written again is useless, confusing and waste of space.
It's similar on other subtitles as well.
All right, similar to previous point, this page is actually a hack of the original search. In some case, I want to show the movie title, and the release name (sometimes the release name is just something like "")

I just hacked it a bit more so it doesn't show the movie title if it is a list of subtitles for a single movie/serie

(it's a bit quick and dirty, let me know if you find an example where that messes up)
I'm sure all that extra stuff wasn't there last I looked. If you get rid of that, we should be able to make the icon for foreign parts only, HD and HI a little bigger please. Even on a 24" screen it looks relatively small to make out. And I assure you, I have no visual impairment. :)
Oh yes, this site is changing 5 times a day these days, spent the last few months focused on the API, but moving back to the UI now (so it's a good time to report bugs or ask new features)

Please do include in settings to be able to display sub layout in: DD/MM/YEAR for users. Even if not logged in if possible.
It makes it easier to view the date of upload. Current way all you see is the year first. Which is harder for a quick look if 20 subs were uploaded in 2020.
I'll keep that in mind for the new search.
I think we're moving in the right direction. I'll be back with more stuff when I have more time to experiment with .com. :lol:
Yeah please do !

I might not be able to complete all requests, but if you got features you wish to see on the site who are doable, I'll be glad to make them !

Thank you so much for making the changes so far.
Awesome! :D
my pleasure, as another example of how fast things can evolve, I just added a "all subtitles by this user" link in the subtitles page !

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:27 pm

(it's a bit quick and dirty, let me know if you find an example where that messes up)
Check out layout for .org:
Check out layout for .com:

In .org it is easy to see the release name info for most subs and which will most likely seem compatible with a video.
On .com it all looks messy. A quick look doesn't seem to help in catching release names in a glimpse.
Maybe have similar layout to .org. Movie Name at top and the release name underneath, rather than all on one line without any form of break, like an underline the way .org has.
but moving back to the UI now (so it's a good time to report bugs or ask new features)
Please don't move off this UI forever or too soon.
I have some ideas, but may not have the time to do a full exploration, but I hope others can pitch in some ideas, too. For now I'll indicate some things that may look better on the site.
Yeah please do !
I might not be able to complete all requests, but if you got features you wish to see on the site who are doable, I'll be glad to make them !
Thank you kindly.
Some things I can think of, but not expecting you to agree to everything.

A few ideas for general aesthetics for now:

The black box "Subtitle Information" says "pooond, gold-member", if we can make the usernames a little bigger, too. Looks small for a full page.

In the same box, if we could have ratings by IMDb, TMDB and Rotten Tomatoes if possible. Under that box there is plenty of room to extend that to accommodate the information.

"All subtitles for this movie" tab to have a better background colour. Green, like the search button, maybe?


In "Movie Information" box:

99 min
78.0% (110560 votes)

73.0% (1082 votes)

The info above, can we have more colour to that?
Dark Yellow for IMDb, dark Red for Rotten Tomatoes, etc.

Can clickable things on the page, especially on the subtitle page look more obvious that they can be clicked on? At the moment it all looks like black writing is everywhere which is only for info purposes, but when you actually hover over it, you realise you can click on them. I think we should make that more obvious.
When a UI is aesthetically pleasing to users eyes with functionality, it will make the site more useable/likeable by many users and generate more visitors.

I can see you already made the HD and HI symbols bigger already. Brilliant.
Thank you for doing it so fast.
It brings me back to what a user "mrtinkles" said earlier. We need to figure out how to allow more relevant information on subtitle pages, but at the same time using all the spaces by compacting certain boxes or making them bigger. Some of the information is hard to see and small on a page that looks huge with ample room to allow for bigger information.

In regards to "2", I can see now that info is in "Movie Information" on main subtitle list page, just not on the actual subtitle page that says "Subtitle Information". If you do make that box bigger, maybe include point "4" into "Subtitle Information" box as well. I know it will be duplicated, but still allows users to see that information instead of flicking back. And for movies that only have one subtitle uploaded, I'm guessing a subtitle list page may not exist for that "Movie Information" box only.
Might be better on both sections if that black box can be extended to become a bigger rectangle. Maybe. But not too fussed with that one.

Please just do what you can for now.

Thanks again.

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:29 pm

Hi os_dev,

I concur with pooond's suggestions. Would be nice to make the UI decent to the eye.
I have a few suggestions for now. :D

1: Under user-profile where it says "all subtitles from this user", if possible, to have "user profile on .org."
2: Under user-profile>badges... for it to include all badges. If you check mine:
There's badges under my name on the left, but not on the right next to "badges." It just shows "platinum member" badge.

3: On the main page where it says "latest comments" or "latest forum topics", etc, is it possible to have some of those boxes on the left hand side as well? And centre the "movies" section in the middle of the page? At least the "monthly top uploaders" box on the left pane. For the rest of it I guess users can scroll further down.

4: On subtitle list page under section "uploader", under the persons name it'll say "platinum member" or "gold member".
Can we have uploader name in an appropriate colour box with writing of "platinum member" underneath it?

Please also check out topic in the admin homepage section for ideas admins may have had over the years about the new site UI. You should have access to it, if not let me know.

See the basic admin tools option pic:

Clicking using the middle mouse button on that pencil symbol enables admins to open multiple subs in separate tabs in the browser in an edited state to check/change all at once. It would be imperative that these basic tools still work in at least the similar fashion to speed up admin duties.
Also allow a page like the recent upload section where admins can view any recent uploads for checks.
Such as this for .org: ... uageid-eng

Thank you :)

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:02 pm

1: Under user-profile where it says "all subtitles from this user", if possible, to have "user profile on .org."
2: Under user-profile>badges... for it to include all badges. If you check mine:
There's badges under my name on the left, but not on the right next to "badges." It just shows "platinum member" badge.
Oh I was just working on that, should be better now. (maybe I'll run into a case I didn't expect, so errors are still be possible)
3: On the main page where it says "latest comments" or "latest forum topics", etc, is it possible to have some of those boxes on the left hand side as well? And centre the "movies" section in the middle of the page? At least the "monthly top uploaders" box on the left pane. For the rest of it I guess users can scroll further down.
Yeah I'm not too happy with the overal layout... but no, I won't move things around to see how it looks.

4: On subtitle list page under section "uploader", under the persons name it'll say "platinum member" or "gold member".
Can we have uploader name in an appropriate colour box with writing of "platinum member" underneath it?
I will add the icon, but no text color

Please also check out topic in the admin homepage section for ideas admins may have had over the years about the new site UI. You should have access to it, if not let me know.

See the basic admin tools option pic:

Clicking using the middle mouse button on that pencil symbol enables admins to open multiple subs in separate tabs in the browser in an edited state to check/change all at once. It would be imperative that these basic tools still work in at least the similar fashion to speed up admin duties.
Also allow a page like the recent upload section where admins can view any recent uploads for checks.
Such as this for .org: ... uageid-eng

Thank you :)
well for now there is only a limited admin section, and I didn't even start the moderation part. That's still a song for the future, for now the uploads and administration will continue on until the new API is fully functional and I fix

For the design, an upgraded version will follow, in collaboration with a graphic designer, until then I will keep things functional and sober. I am not a graphic designer myself, I am a programmer. I don't like colors, flashy things. I just make things functional.

The design we have now was created by somebody else before I even got into the project, so it's been patched and hacked as I was adding functionalities. It will soon be time for some core updates, that will be combined with an upgraded design, by a designer.

So I will not play around too much with the current design, I'll just fix missing icons, links or labels for now

let's just focus on functionalities, there's entire sections, such as a proper FAQ for that I barely started

to pooond sorry I cut short, still up for new functionalities, design will be made with a different process, as explained above

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Mon Nov 23, 2020 11:44 pm

Check out the uploader comments here where he has written all release names in the comment section: ... ble-man-en

On the new site all that info is cut-off in the "Subtitle Information" box: ... 4-yol0w-en

Is there anyway of fixing that? If not now, at least for the future.
That's a lot of useful information.

to pooond sorry I cut short, still up for new functionalities, design will be made with a different process, as explained above
Hopefully get back to you on that ASAP.

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:28 pm

Os_dev there is a way to enter an option to choose the subtitle source?
In upload and in advanced search

In upload an option to choose :


In advanced search an option to choose an filter those subtitles.
For example i want to search for a subtitle, but I only want subtitles that are rips (oficial subtitles)

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