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I need to know API limitation

Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:30 pm

I am start working on a new project which i hope it can get a lot of users.
I am going to use OpenSubtitles API on this project.
But before i pushed any thing i need to know the API limitation regarding searching and downloading per day.
I am already registered my User Agent here.

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Re: I need to know API limitation

Mon Apr 20, 2020 7:32 am


for now there are not really limitations per searching - just dont make more than 40 requests per 10 seconds.

for downloading - there are limitations - 200 subtitles per 24 hours, and 1000 subtitles per 24 hours for VIP users.

now API can be used just for authenticated users. If you dont want that users have to authenticate, send us PM and we can talk about pricing.

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