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Diffrence between MPC, web and Kodi results

Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:13 pm

Hi. I'm curious as of why Kodi lists more results than both MPC and this website?
First off, I'm also using Podnapisi as a second source, but the way I figure, it's downloading from that simultaneously but only when this second one is chosen.

So, I, as I said, wonder how the number of results can vary so much?
I could understand if the web listed more, which is logic, since an API can (and will, from time to time,) fail

I got only one result in MPC, two on the web, and five in Kodi - Makes no sense!
Sub in question was Bravestorm, some Japanese sci-fi B-flick.

Grateful for any insights...

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Re: Diffrence between MPC, web and Kodi results

Fri Mar 27, 2020 8:10 am

KODI is using fulltext search also, others not (I think)

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