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Give us feedback about the new site

Fri Jun 21, 2019 1:47 pm

Many of you have already noticed the new site
This site is in beta phase: more or less operational but still in development.

Meanwhile, we would like to hear your feedback about this new site, such as:
•  Bugs, things that don't work, don't work well, don't work as expected, etc.
•  Functionality which you think should be different.
•  Features of the old site you like, and the new site is missing.
•  New features which you would like to be added.
•  Comments about the layout.
•  Any other related comments you can think of.

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Mon Jun 24, 2019 8:09 pm

Hello, I just purchased VIP and I checked out the new site. I used the import function to import my account with VIP status and I get the email to change my password but every time I go to change it the site sends me to a 404 page when I hit the change button

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Mon Jun 24, 2019 8:48 pm

Hello, thanks for becoming a VIP and donating to our cause.
I can see your status for VIP is done on main site:

1: The 404 error may just be a temporary site issue.
2: There is also a slight lag between the main site and the new site whilst certain things get updated and transferred to the new site from this site. For some things it's one hour, for others, maybe even 24 hours or so.
3: Try it tomorrow, hopefully transferring your account should work by then. VIP status may not work immediately on the new site, as it's still in Beta testing. But all will be good before it goes live properly.

It does actually say:

"Enter the email used on, you will receive an email containing a link to create yourself a password on our new site. If previously activated, your VIP status will be migrated too."

You'd assume (by the above) VIP status should work immediately on the new site, but give it a day, and try again. It may just be the delay-lag.
And users should get an email when the site is fully functional.

If this doesn't resolve your issue by tomorrow, please use the "contact us" option from the bottom of the page from the main subtitle-site. A site programmer will be able to look into it for you.

Thanks again. :)

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Tue Jun 25, 2019 6:08 am

Yeah, I checked again and went through the link provided in the email. I get to the page fine and it asks me to choose a password (which I do) but once I hit the button to confirm the password change I get the 404 page. And this is one two separate computers. But I'll try again tomorrow since it has been less than 24 hours

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Wed Jun 26, 2019 7:50 pm

I'm getting the same issue and it have been over 24 hours later. Always getting a 404 page when trying to change my password

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Fri Jun 28, 2019 5:19 am

thanks, we are waiting for main developer of .com to look into this issue now.

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Tue Jul 02, 2019 9:44 am

not yet, our main developer for .com is enjoying summer, he will be back in work lets say next week. He knows about this issue, and you should have full benefits of VIP on the current site.

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:20 pm

Sorry about that, it already happened a few times. Problem is that saying "there was an error on the site" makes it really hard to trace without further details.

For example, if you got a 404 error, it just means the page doesn't exist. But if I can get the address, such as "" then I can try to look for the problem.

Until I can find the issue, note that after importing an account you can use the "forgot password" page that will send you a reset link that works.

I was unable to reproduce the importing error, and I wasn't able to get anyone having the issue forwarding me the email, if you can reach anyone to ask them, please ask to forward the "imported instructions" email to [email protected]

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:31 am

please when sending email, or reporting issue we need as much as possible details - specially URLs, what you click, where, what is error message, screenshots also helps.

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Fri Jul 05, 2019 3:43 am

One of the features I would like to have is have some sort of RSS feed or an e-mail reminder when new subs. for a TV series I subscribe come in. For e.g. Elementary Season 7 ... /seasons/7 and so on and so forth. Currently there doesn't seem to be anyway to know when a new english subtitle will come for the new episode, for e.g. episode 7 which was just released.

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Sat Aug 10, 2019 2:31 pm

The new site repeats the same mistake that the old site did and presents it in a more annoying way to the user.

I don't know why on earth you came us with the idea of versioning and storing multiple versions of the same subtitle file. Are you a subtitles site or a version control system? Why should the end user be able to download multiple mistakes that I made when I had to resubmit corrections and updates?

In the old site at least it was not obvious and the download button fetched the latest version. The new site nicely arranges them as a list of CD1, CD2,... to confuse and confound the unsuspecting user.

Ok, I know you have a delete feature. Well, it's an abomination that only disables the subtitle, and upon trying to create a new one politely reminds you that you can't create a new subtitle on top of the disabled one.

Please fix this mess.

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Sat Aug 10, 2019 3:18 pm

thanks for feedback, I dont see anything wrong to allow translators upload corrected subtitles. What is wrong on that ?

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Sat Aug 10, 2019 3:43 pm

thanks for feedback, I dont see anything wrong to allow translators upload corrected subtitles. What is wrong on that ?
He means the old version shouldn’t be an option to be downloaded after the updated version has been uploaded as v2. The first version shouldn’t be an option available to be downloaded by users. I agree with that.

Once a subtitle is deleted on the site, it shouldn’t say “we already have this subtitle” and give a link to it when it is deleted from the site. Deleted should mean deleted and the site shouldn’t recognise that it is still there a few years after it was deleted. As it does now. It should completely disappear. To this last point, I say it is like that just in case it was a mistake to delete and it needs to be enabled again. But I'd imagine it still takes storage space.

I believe that’s what he meant. :D

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Re: Give us feedback about the new site

Sun Aug 11, 2019 2:13 pm

Ok, I know you have a delete feature. Well, it's an abomination that only disables the subtitle, and upon trying to create a new one politely reminds you that you can't create a new subtitle on top of the disabled one.

Please fix this mess.
What a mess?
If you create another subtitle that is not the same, the system will not block upload.
If the system reminds you that subtitle already exist on system, if is disabled or not it's because you are trying to upload a subtitle just like same as already exists.

So it's a good feature, it prevents the system from having repeated subtitles.

I like the new system notifications. Number of notifications in main page next to username.
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Os it will be possible to send pm through the site?
Or will we have to keep coming to the forum to do that.

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