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Subdownloader - Just takes all subtitles, not hash...

Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:03 pm


Following problem: When I use subdownloader, it hashes the movie I chose then presents me with the found subs.
Problem is, there seem to be random subtitles, p.e. for a 1CD AXXO release I get pukkah subs as well as subs for 2cd releases.
Why is that?

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Sun Dec 23, 2007 11:38 pm

it should be because someone sends bad hashes for that subtitles. you can use just report function (rightclick in subdownloader) to report bad hash, and those hashes will be deleted.

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Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:04 am

Than you, I'll do that!

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And also ...

Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:25 am

And also ...

1, just because subtitles have a filename with another release, doesn't mean they won't fit your release. Often the only difference between e.g. AXXO and another release is just the way the video is encoded, so the same subtitles will work just fine for both releases.

2, also some people (when creating subtitles for 2cd releases) include the whole movie in the subtitles for cd1, so sometimes even such subtitles will work for you if you have a 1cd release. just give it a try and see if they are in sync with your release or not. It only takes a second (download, play, skip thru the movie).

Take care ...

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