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[XML-RPC] Inconsistencies between API and website search results

Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:07 pm

Hi. Faced a strange issue. Couple of hours ago uploaded russian subtitles for a movie and right after that tried to watch It in KODI, but failed to find my subtitle file in search results. Guessed that It's just some kind of cache lag, but now It looks like I was wrong. I still don't see this subtitles in API search results for rus lang code nor with empty language filter. Funniest thing that I see It on website.
To avoid possible issues from KODI addon side I tested this using XML-RPC client (chrome extension).

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [XML-RPC] Inconsistencies between API and website search results

Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:00 am

This might not be an issue of Kodi, but just a general case.
If you uploaded the subs manually, there is (probably) no hash code and so the subs are invisible for automated searches, but they do 'exist' and are possible to find on the web site manually.
That's why it is recommended to use software to upload, 'even' Subtitle Edit with the upload add-on or the Uploader of vankasteelj.
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Re: [XML-RPC] Inconsistencies between API and website search results

Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:11 am

I've tried to find It with "SearchSubtitles(<token>, [{"sublanguageid":"rus", "query":"snouden"}])" method call (wrote "snouden" wrong intentionally, this is how srt and video file called). It works fine If I set "eng" lang code, but I get nothing for "rus". Is there any chance to find find this file by name? Or It just filtered out on service side because of empty hash?

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Re: [XML-RPC] Inconsistencies between API and website search results

Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:44 am

To be honest, the API is not quite my speciality.
But do you mean this one: ... snowden-ru ?
This subtitle doesn't have a hash code.
So you will be able to find on the web, but not using the API.

For English you will get two results, using API as well as the website, because both subtitles have a hash code: ... uageid-eng

So it all makes sense...

The snouden/snowden makes it a bit complicated, but in this case (no hash) it doesn't matter (I think).
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Re: [XML-RPC] Inconsistencies between API and website search results

Thu Dec 08, 2016 1:09 am

Thanks, now it makes sense.

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Re: [XML-RPC] Inconsistencies between API and website search results

Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:51 am

You could disable your subtitle and then re-upload it using Subtitle Edit (including the upload add-on) or the uploader of vankasteelj.
Provided you have the video file next to it, your upload will then have a hash code.

Or you just wait, eventually a hash code will be connected to it (because others will submit it).
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Re: [XML-RPC] Inconsistencies between API and website search results

Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:55 am

Well, I've "slept" with this idea, and now have a certain concerns about this. I even forget when I downloaded video last time. For last 5 (i think) years I just go to some streaming service and watch It right from the net. And this particular case is not exceptional. But now, if I want to watch this movie with subtitles I have to download It with some tricky way ('cause streaming services don't like when users download files from them and make It as hard as possible) just to upload subtitles with hash code.

BTW Kodi addon doesn't use hash search even for local files, and may be It won't be so bad to serve subtitles without has code over API also. What do you think? Is It any chance that you will drop this limitation?

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