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opensubtitles player resyncing subtitles

Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:15 pm

Ive been a user of KMP player for a long time to playback movies and subs downloaded from you, since an update it constantly fails so ive started using opensubtitles player instead, seems pretty good BUT occasionally even though it grabs the correct subs for whatever im watching, sometimes they are a little out of sync. A good feature of the KMP player was that you could use a couple of buttons to change the sync of the subs + or - .5 second at a time any chance of maybe having this feature in the next build of the opensubs player ? also another feature was you could load a sub that was supposed to be for another version of the movie/tv programme if the correct sub version wasnt available i.e. using a sub for a "killers" torrent on a "LOL" torrent if the "LOL" sub hadnt been done, is there any way of doing that ?

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Joined: Thu Mar 17, 2016 2:26 pm

Re: opensubtitles player resyncing subtitles

Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:40 pm

Hi there.

Please try to switch this option:
sub_sync.jpg (51.33 KiB) Viewed 3511 times

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