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Suggestion for the site: Translation in progress button

Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:27 pm

The title is probably confusing, but I couldn't say it simpler, but hey, that's why we have the posting option, to explain it in more detail! :D

I am a sub translator, who creates hungarian subtitles either by hearing or by translating english/german subtitles.

There is this "Request a subtitle" part of OpenSubtitles, where people can make requests for movies being subtitled in a particular language, right?

Now I as a translator can see the list of people, who asked for a movie, but that's it.
If I decide to do the work, I can not signal those users that I am willing to work on it and they can expect it in a few days.

I just start to work.
Now when I'm finished and I uploaded my work, those people will never know, if they don't search for it every now and then.
(I assume, there is no email sent or something to those users, when a subtitle is available to their requests)

So, what I would like to see is:

A button labeled "In Progress" which I as a sub translator can push to signal the users that somebody started to work on it.
Then those users would get some notification, so they know, that it is being worked on.

When I uploaded the subtitle, I could push a button there labeled "Subtitle uploaded" or something like that and that would again notify the users, that they can look for the requested subtitle.

I think, this would add a very beloved feature to the site and would actually give a sense to those requests.

What do you think, OpenSubtitle coding guys?

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Re: Suggestion for the site: Translation in progress button

Sat Jan 02, 2016 6:49 am

I think it is good idea and adding it into TODO list.

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Re: Suggestion for the site: Translation in progress button

Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:47 am

I agree with Hunnenkoenig - would be nice to have such feature.

A few side notes:
Now when I'm finished and I uploaded my work, those people will never know, if they don't search for it every now and then.
(I assume, there is no email sent or something to those users, when a subtitle is available to their requests)
I thought users DO get a notification if they requested a subtitle when a subtitle becomes available. But maybe I'm worng - in that case, I think it would be nice to have such notification. I mean for Hunnenkoenig "working on it" means it's ready in a couple of days, for other translators it could mean a month or two. This should (and can easily) be automated, not needing the translator to push a button again.

In addition it would be nice to have a list of these subtitles that are being worked on, I mean not only as part of the requested subs, but as a standalone serach option or list. That means a translator has the option to choose one which is not already worked on by someone else - or forget about it if it is.
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Re: Suggestion for the site: Translation in progress button

Sat Jan 02, 2016 12:13 pm


I received a PM from one of the admins who told me that users DO get an email when a subtitle is available in the requested language, so I was wrong.
I just never tried the request thing myself, that'S why I was not sure.

Your ideas are also nice and I also thought about a "In Progreess List" and even a "Most Requested Titles in Language X" would be nice.

This whole thing should be more prominent somehow, not just a small link in the header.

Maybe if I could create a page for a movie in language X which has no subtitles yet, then there could be a request button, a list of the people requesting it and if a registered sub translator klicks the "In Progress" button (and maybe gives a date when it will be finished) a text will show up like "Hunnenkoenig is working on the sub and he says it will be finished on 10. Febr. 2016".

Or so...

MAybe if I didn't upload the sub until the promised date, the "In Progress" button would become available again for other translators.

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Re: Suggestion for the site: Translation in progress button

Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:36 am

this area is so broad, that will be available in next generation of opensubtitles. I am planning much more...

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Re: Suggestion for the site: Translation in progress button

Sun Jan 10, 2016 12:54 pm

Great idea.

But it could be useful not only to users but also to translators. It might happen that several people are working at the same time in the same translation without knowing of each other.

It would be great to have some means of sharing and coordinating work.

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