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Subtitles Admin
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Search on IMDB bug?

Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:16 pm


Not sure if I stumbled on a bug in the API or if I'm doing something wrong but I'm getting some weird results.
I think it happened before with another search but I moved on. However, I wanted to mention it now.

When I do an IMDB search (using the searchsubtitles method) on IMDB 2908446 with language 'eng', I'm getting a result. (IDSubtitleFile: 1954809303)

However, if I do the same search with language 'all', that file is not included.

The website search doesn't show the result with both language 'eng' or 'all'.

It's kinda annoying because at the moment, it's the only English subtitle for this movie. Because it doesn't have a hash, I want to present alternatives via an IMDB search with language 'all'. However, the English version is missing when I do that.

Am I overlooking something?

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Re: Search on IMDB bug?

Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:08 pm


in general search results are cached. They are cached according input filters. Also, the subtitle, which is not found, is ... surgent-en - disabled subtitles. So I believe it is working OK (well, yeah, when subtitles are disabled, they shouldn't be found anymore...but thats problem with the cache...)

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