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OpenSubDownloader Bug

Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:36 pm

Hi, after few days when the program said me something like "unable to connect" or something like that, it now opens. I add I never asked to connect to anything.
But now, after finding subs to my videos, it still doesn't work. It says "unable to download [name of file].sub". Not only that, but after I click "ok", and I add, I'm not ok with that, another pop-up appears, and then another, and another one, and this fucking message appears as many times as the numbers of videos to which it found a sub, but it doesn't intend to download

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Tue Aug 05, 2014 7:39 pm

Hi, is anybody there?

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Wed Aug 06, 2014 4:45 am

yes. we are here. But maybe you not receive any reply, because:
1. you are talking about program. Which program ? We dont know.
2. maybe it is good to send screenshots, so we can see whats going on.

You understand your question, we do not understand.

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Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:31 pm

I'm talking about OpenSubDownloader.

Problem 1 :
Program doesn't start. Message: something like "unable to connect", I don't have a screenshot 'cause now it start.

Problem 2:
After selecting a folder the program "parses" videos until a file called "*21.mkv", then it bugs and doesn't advance. Message: "Parsing video *21.mkv". If *21.mkv is removed, then it bugs at *20.mkv, and so on. This problem doesn't affect other folders.

Problem 3:
After pressing download button, program doesn't download subs. Message: "Unable to download *.srt".

Problem 4:
Every time a the program bugs, it gives me an error message for every and each file selected, the only way to stop it is ctrl+alt+del

Problem 5:
This post interface doesn't have the button "attachment" to post screenshots

Problem 6:
Every time I post a msg I can see the msg on the targeted conversation, but apparently I'm the only one to see this 'cause hours later I receive an e-mail saying "your post has been approved by a moderator". This means not only that the msg wasn't actually on the conversation, but also that the forum is systematically lying to me, since it shows me the msg on a conversation while it isn't on the conversation.

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Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:03 pm

ok. We are not developers of OpenSubDownloader nor other, almost 1000 others programs using our API. Please contact developers of program.

You can find it here - post bugs, questions and your feelings there.

Thank you and good luck.

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Re: OpenSubDownloader Bug

Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:52 am

See the previous post of oss. And further, looks like your problems 5 and 6 are related to this forum, not to OpenSubDownloader(?)
So just in case:
Problem 5:
This post interface doesn't have the button "attachment" to post screenshots
If you want to include screenshots or any image within a forum post you will need to use some image uploading web service, for example or Then to include your image, use the [Img] button.
Problem 6:
Every time I post a msg I can see the msg on the targeted conversation, but apparently I'm the only one to see this 'cause hours later I receive an e-mail saying "your post has been approved by a moderator". This means not only that the msg wasn't actually on the conversation, but also that the forum is systematically lying to me, since it shows me the msg on a conversation while it isn't on the conversation.
All forum posts need to be approved by an admin first, before they are visible to everyone. Immediately after you post, a screen text notifies you about this.
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