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client_24h_download_count stuck on 200?

Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:05 pm

I signed up a couple of days ago and kinda burned the whole 200 quota within the hour or so.. :D I decided to wait it out but when my count still was on 200 some 28 hours later I decided to donate becuase I'm planning to rescan my collection any day now. However, after donation and VIP confirmation today I can see that I still have my download count stuck on 200, even though it's been 48 hours since my last download and present VIP status. Can someone shed some logic light on this? Is the 24h thing rotating or how is this calculated?

Code: Select all

limit_check_by = user_id user_id = 1611898 global_24h_download_limit = 200 client_ip = xx.xx.xx.xx client_24h_download_count = 200 client_download_quota = 800 client_24h_download_limit = 1000

I'm planning to do a fullrescan and remux of my collection and need to be sure it's all a-ok. I will first pull subs based on hash and then remux the media, which will change the hash...rendering it quite messy to pull it again.

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Re: client_24h_download_count stuck on 200?

Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:15 am

well, maybe you just find the bug :) but I guess downloading works ok.

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Re: client_24h_download_count stuck on 200?

Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:30 pm

maybe it is not bug, I am checking this again explanations:

limit_check_by = user_id => how is limit counted, but user_id or by user_ip
user_id = 1611898 => your user_id
global_24h_download_limit = 200 => default global download limit
client_ip = xx.xx.xx.xx => your_ip
client_24h_download_count = 200 => how many subtitles you downloaded in past 24 hours
client_download_quota = 800 => how many subtitles you can download more
client_24h_download_limit = 1000 => what is your total limit per 24 hours

or you are downloading, you can download, and client_24h_download_count is always 200 and not raising ?

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