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thanks to "subtitlers"

Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:53 am

Hi there,

only to thanks every translator for the value that his job gives to community of original language film enthusiasts and language learners. I use watching films in original language but for learning is so much enojoyable. I simply think about Network (Lumet, 1976) and other hundreds of beautiful american-english titles. Looking forward to learn French...but then you wish to learn chinese and japanese, persian and portuguese, polish and czech, corean and german. I'm going to accept my mean human being limits.

Can you talk about how to make subtitles for films? And why do you do this inestimable job?

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Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:04 am

You can talk about anything that takes your fancy here.

People do this to help others understand TV shows/movies better. People use them who may be slow or hard of hearing to follow the speech of an English movie/TV show because English may not even be their mother tongue, so if they miss the speech they can always read. This is not always the case, there are many reasons as to why people use subtitles.
Last edited by scooby007 on Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:27 pm

One big reason is being hearing impaired or deaf at all. I know many deaf people and thats the main reason for me to create or OCR subtitles. Germany has just some subtitled shows/movies in television - german movies are often without german subs (not on DVD), so hearing impaired people can't watch them.

I'm using Aegisub to create subtitles for movies. OCR with SubRip or DVDSubEdit - and time... ;)

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Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:09 am

Germany has just some subtitled shows/movies in television
These subs can be captured from the Teletext-Feature, if you want (but maybe you use this way already).
A lot of sites explain the workflow.
I'm using Aegisub to create subtitles for movies. OCR with SubRip or DVDSubEdit - and time... ;)
Unfortunately Aegisub don't work error-free on my Linux-System. Therefore I use for a long time a simple Texteditor or a little Prog from the Repositories, named SubtitleEditor (what a clear significant name ;-) )
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Sat Apr 17, 2010 3:47 pm

These subs can be captured from the Teletext-Feature, if you want (but maybe you use this way already).
Yeah, I do that a lot! Its just that Germany does have a pretty bad subtitle coverage, so thats one motivation for me to help out in German subs.

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Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:05 pm

Yeah, I do that a lot! Its just that Germany does have a pretty bad subtitle coverage, so thats one motivation for me to help out in German subs.
It seems we have similar motivations.
Sure you've already read this:
"I don't believe in God. I just believe in Billy Wilder" - Fernando Trueba

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Re: thanks to "subtitlers"

Sat May 24, 2014 5:53 pm

Hi there, I'm a loving fan and an eternal apprentice of this great english language. I use to see movies and tv shows in english, and I download the english subtitles to improve my knowledge.

I just wish to sincerely thank all the subtitlers for the great job they're making everyday, I'm really pleased, It has served me to stop seeing dubbed movies and tv shows. I'm of the opinion we all should do our best to respect the original pieces as they were concieved to be seen and heard. Most people don't know, but usually dubbers in Spain (directors and adapters) don't have a clue of the original language they are working on in their own jobs, this is a sad sad true, and I've seen committing true atrocities on many occasions because of that, going unnoticed to the most ignorant public.

In the best interest of paying our true respect for the authors and makers, I would respectfully ask to all the subtitlers to not change the original dialogs, this is as outrageous as the bad dubbing work, please, be faithful with the words comming out of the actors mouths and voiceovers, I've been sadly seeing lately some real terrorism into this as well, what purposes could follow the fact of changing a sentence in english, for another one? Who are these people? Frustrated writers or what? Please, please keep the original transcript, you're not doing a favour to anyone by doing this, please, bear it in mind.

Thank you all once again, and sorry for my poor written english.

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