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Can any sub-downloading tool do this? [devs]

Tue May 22, 2012 6:50 pm

Im not sure about this but I noticed subtitles are usually searched by a video file name.

I think it would be much better if some sub-downloader tool would search for subtitles with directory name instead. It could even compare exact release name if uploader used it on opensubitles or "guess" the format (xvid or HD) from the name (720p or 1080p as HD) and adjust results according to that. Smart filter (regex, etc) to "extract" movie title from release directory name should not be that hard to implement, some additional feature could scan .nfo file for an imdb link and if found used that with opensubtitles search..

I mean its 2012 and unpacking the movie is not even needed for playing it in many players or people can use filter like RARFileSource. Obviously not all movies are spread packed but great many are and will continue to be released that way. Another thing is that video filename does not always match the movie title in this case.

I think tool like this would be awesome.

It looks like development of subdownloader stopped(?), is there some other dev maybe?

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Re: Can any sub-downloading tool do this? [devs]

Wed May 23, 2012 8:48 pm

did you read how SubDownloader (and other great programs using OS) actually works ?

this is good start. Also, if you want to find something using filename, here it is: ... D-DEPRiVED

for example.

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