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Diagonal Green Line on my video

Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:54 am

i get this weird diagonal green slash across the video only after i added the subs. The subs are working perfectly fine, just that the green slash is irritating me. I'm using Media Player Classic
Can anyone please help me with this?Image

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:20 pm

never seend this before. weird. It is only on this movie, or that green line appearing on other movies too ? Try also different subtitles.

Also, look on your codecs, I think this should happen, when 2 codecs take care about subtitles, and they are in conflict...maybe :)

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:21 am

Yeah, I had this diagonal green line befor. Removing some codecs solved the problem.

PS: you'll probably want to write down which codecs you have installed befor you start deleting. for example, I had these codecs:

- AC-3 ACM Codec
- DivX Codec
- ffdshow
- K-lite Codec basic
- SLD Codec

After removing the K-lite and SLD codecs, the ones I thought would be less usefull, the "green line" disappeard. After each removal, I did a test though, just to see if my avis etc. are still working ;-)

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:11 pm

:P thanks for the replies, i deleted all the junk codecs, codec packs, every single bit of codec, and installed the latest combined community codec pack and realalt 1.51, the only things i need to watch all my vids.

now the line is gone! HOORAY! thanks guys, appreciate it!

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