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Show missing subtitles in webpage for series

Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:57 am

This may be complicated, but I thought it would be a good idea to have a way to know, for a specific language, what subs may be missing for a specific series.

Right now, for example, I see there are dozens of subs missing from current series for past seasons, especially in english and spanish.

I may have some of these, but the only easy way to know so would be running the hashing on my videos and seeing the results. I have no other way of knowing if my subs haven been uploaded otherwise.

I may be oversimplifying things a little (no doubt there, as it seems there is no standard for naming series, and everything is done through the hash) but I thought it would be neat.

That and fixing the ratings, which right now suffer from serious deviations from one expects.

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Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:06 pm

This is neat idea. I will think about it, and I think it is possible :) But I have to wait first for improvement in IMDB perl module to support series.

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