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Congrats: 300k of subs

Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:20 am

I just noticed today, that the total number of subtitles to choose from on passed the 300,000!!

Congratulations to the enormity of the success, why should any one look for subtitles on other websites if it's all here?

May there be a million subs on OS before this decade is out!

Both thumbs up,

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Tue Aug 21, 2007 1:19 pm

:) thank you a lot, but to be honest, there is not more than 300.000, actually that number shows also "deleted" subtitles (select count(*) from subtitles), to know exactly number of all subtitles - just set language to all, and press search.

But anyway, thank you, I hope we will have more than 1.000.000 subs someday :) just spread the site and lets make it better.

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