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infection of Opensubtitles Player !!!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:02 pm
by janjan
Dear all,
I downloaded this freetool to try it out. But immediately I couldn't startup my ms-programs (Word - Excell etc) anymore. Instead a popup came: Context Manager Platinum, which blocked and only had one option: going to there website to register and buy.
I googled a lot. First I didn't know what caused it. Found posts and article-blogs that this (your) player is carrier of a little infectious software what causes the problem.
Now I already managed to free my pc from it with the free took Glary Utilities, but to be sure, because I really found a lot of complaints, I erased the Player.

So watch out!!

ps. I had downloaded the player from your "official" site.

Re: infection of Opensubtitles Player !!!

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:57 pm
by oss
this is interesting. never happens to me. we dont want to spread any malware, so if you can, post more info. url for example