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Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Dec 16, 2006 4:37 pm

Viewing Arabic subtitles

Sat Dec 16, 2006 4:58 pm

This may be related to a previous post I made about not accepting certain types of srt files (unicode encoded ones?).

Upon further investigation, i discovered that all arabic subtitles on are incorrectly encoded (saved as ANSI txt files) probably due to the restriction on uploading arabic srts. So i'm posting a solution:

ANSI encoded srt files mean that the arabic appears in latin letters. To fix,
1 - Open srt file in notepad.
2 - Copy into Microsoft Word, changing the encoding to Arabic (Windows). You should now be able to read the Arabic.
3 - Select all and copy back into a NEW notepad txt file.
4 - Save as an srt file. Make sure you select Encoding: UNICONDE when saving.

Having done that with one of the files and tried uploading the subtitles to, the website would no longer recognize the file as an srt file and ask the I upload an srt, txt... etc file instead. I have posted to the forum about this here

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