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Joined: Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:00 am

Any speakers of Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian out there?

Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:06 pm

I'm trying to recreate some unreadable English hard-coded subtitles for the Dusan Makavejev movie "W.R.-Mysteries of the organism".

if anybody reading this is reasonably fluent in Serbian, Croatian or Bosnian, I would be very grateful if you could listen to these very short soundclips and help me translate.

My guess:
Go, shockworkers, go!

My guess:
Shoot out like an arrow!
??? half-way!
To die for lust is

My guess:
O Lord, I pray Thee
Give everyone what he needs
Before the earth stops turning

Thank you in advance!

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:50 am

Re: Any speakers of Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian out there?

Sun Jan 28, 2007 5:54 am

It says "Udarnici Titovi!", which would translate as "Tito's strike workers!". (Wikipedia says "strike workers" is a better English translation because "shock workers" comes from translating a German term, while this originated in USSR and other Slavic socialist countries)
My guess:
Shoot out like an arrow!
??? half-way!
To die for lust is
That's an excerpt from a dialogue and originally goes like this:

(Man) - Poleteti kao strela.
(Woman) - Pazite!
(Man) - Moj rad traži me celog, bez ostatka. Ne može se živeti polovično. Nije časno umirati iz ljubavi. To je sebično, buržoaski.

English translation would be something like:

(Man) - fly like an arrow.
(Woman) - Be careful!
(Man) - I'm completely consumed in my work. You can't live your life partially. There's no honor in dying because of love. That's selfish, that's bourgeois.
My guess:
O Lord, I pray Thee
Give everyone what he needs
Before the earth stops turning
I can't help you there, because although I am Croatian, this clip sounds like Russian :) I can only make out the beginning which you already translated correctly.

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