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Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:14 pm

Firstly I’d like to start by thanking all up loaders subbers/editors for their contribution to the subtitling community.

The reason there is a vast amount of subtitles is due to the fact that people out of their own generosity provide this community with their time, obtaining subtitles from around the globe and bring them to this site to share with everybody else. As well as making it easier for them to find the desired subtitle. Granted, sometimes these subs can be awful, but they are all that’s out there at that particular time and someone always comes along and gives them an edit. (Thank you to the editors).

To meet this high demand, sometimes up loaders have to upload 100’s of subs a day, the quality of these subs can’t always be checked. This falls down to the user. The user can verify if the sub is worthy or not.

If you think this is a bad idea, then you’ll be waiting a hell of along time for the perfect sub.

On the chance that the subtitle is faulty, then kindly let the up loader know of the problem and I am sure they would gladly rectify the fault as well as up load a better version for you. If it exists.

On occasion I edit subtitles which be clearly marked as ‘edited‘, as there are others who also practice this, please note not all subtitles are edited.

On occasion I personally have been known to upload subtitles without giving them a thorough check. Lately I was notified a sub was incomplete and I responded straight away by removing the fault and uploading a better version. (Not a problem).

When you come across a faulty subtitle, let the up loader know of the mistake kindly, or just rate the subtitle to make other users aware.

Please bare in mind that up loaders don’t get paid, they do what they do for you and the community and all they should get in return is a little appreciation. Not your ignorance, arrogance or vile comments.

So… I hope this has been quite informative and we can all stop treating subbers/editors or up loaders with discontent or impertinence.

It’s not as though you’ve purchased, or been ripped off with a faulty electrical item bought over a, Wal-Mart counter. So you shouldn’t expect your insolent behaviour to be taken lying down.

Please remember, this is for you and it’s for free. Lets practice some etiquette.

Thank you.

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Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:12 am

not a lot replies as I would expect.

I just must to agree with your post and I wish everybody should view this from this perspective...

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Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:30 pm

Thank you OS. Atleast somebody understands.

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Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:33 pm

Several people understand. Just not the ones you want to, sadly.
[url=]OpenSubtitles from your desktop: SolEol for Mac/Windows/Linux[/url]
[url=]My current episode processing work flow[/url].

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