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Features query search - movie not found on the results

Tue Aug 06, 2024 11:07 pm

I'm trying to understand why I don't see the movie Roma (2018) on the results of the following query call:

Code: Select all
This is a problem with the content name/description index of this specific movie?

If I use the imdb_id param, the movie is returned, so it's on the database:

Code: Select all
Thanks one more time.

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Re: Features query search - movie not found on the results

Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:24 am

sorry for taking so long to reply.

so, we had a lot of work on the /subtitles endpoint, but not so much on the /features, it was mostly optimised to work for an autocomplete system, for your case there was just too many titles returning "roma" either in the title or translated titles, that included stuff like "romance" so your results were meaningless.

I added 2 parameters that should give more flexibility in the usage, and hopefully solve your case.

now you will have query_match and full_search

With the "query_match" you can define the matcher applied to the query:

"start" is the default behavior, it will query on the first letter entered to offer suggestions. for example searching for "roma" will return "romance"
"word" will return the match on the word, but not always matching the fulll title, for example searching "roma" will return "holiday in roma"
"exact" will exactly match the title, here searching for "roma" will only return the movie(s) named "roma"

With the "full_search" you can extend the search to the translations of the title, so "roma" will also return "rome"

I will add that if you have an imdb or tmdb id the results will always be more accurate, and if you have the year, or can be sure you have a movie or an episode, adding it as parameter should make the results more precise.

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Re: Features query search - movie not found on the results

Tue Oct 08, 2024 11:19 pm

Thanks for the explanation :)

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