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a button to add seasons and episodes

Wed Oct 25, 2023 1:17 pm

This is just my suggestion, because its hard to update IMDB Update =
1. Is it possible that can add manually episodes (there a button : add episodes) in a TV Show?
Inside the button there is pop up window that can add seasons, episodes, imdb ID, episodes titles (at once), BUT not must fill the fields.
The basic just add how many seasons and episodes. So, if we don't know the imdb ID (because IMDB not update yet), or episodes titles, it can blank, so anyone or moderator can edit it.
But maybe, the ability to add new episodes or seasons minimum Trusted / Translator Rank.
2. At upload, add new movie (that don't have IMDB ID), maybe can add option = movie or tv shows. If tv shows than there is button to add season and episode in my suggestion no 1.

Thank you

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Re: a button to add seasons and episodes

Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:15 pm

hi will not add any features more, developing stopped. On in theory can do much more easy these kind of things. I know upload is not finished and so on. For now, just add it to main IMDB ID, I know, not perfect, but at least something

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