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Please split "Spanish" into "Spanish - EUR"/"Spanish - LAT"

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 3:04 pm
by Seroko
Sometimes I literally reach the subs per day limit only because I have to download, try if they're good, and if they're not, download a different .srt. People seem to forget that "spanish" is not just a language, it is present in more than 25 different countries and all of them use different words, while many latin american countries share these words, in Spain it's different and you end up understanding nothing at all on the subtitles if you download the wrong version.
The website already has these two categories, they appear as "Spanish (EU)" and "Spanish (LA)" but any of them leads you to the same page, a mix between them. You've got to understand that even though they're based on the same core, they're different languages.