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Maximum download for IP, which isn't my IP...

Thu May 04, 2023 12:20 pm

Don't know if this site is still maintained, but I'm getting the following message: Sorry, maximum download count for IP: (edited) exceeded. If you will continue trying to download, your IP will be blocked by our firewall. For more information read our FAQ or contact us, if you think you should not see this error. This deny will be removed after around 24 hours, so be patient.

I haven't downloaded any subtitles here in days and this isn't even my IP address. My real IP address is (edited).... and the one through my VPN is (edited)..... Turning off the VPN doesn't change anything either(because of course it isn't the correct IP address). I've checked the IP address, it's even a different country than what my VPN is set to and it's part of NordVPN, which is a different VPN than the one I use.

Furthermore it appears to belong to a data center, so basically it's a proxy I assume? In which case the server's reading the wrong IP address from the header.

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Re: Maximum download for IP, which isn't my IP...

Thu May 04, 2023 3:30 pm

I removed those ips from your post.
Contact oss via PM with your IP address and see if he can unblock it.


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