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Uploading subs - What am I doing wrong?

Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:02 am


I'm trying to implement upload of subtitles into SolEol and I can't imagine what I might be doing wrong, but I can't get any subtitle to upload. I always get "Cant decode base64", which I think is not where the actual problem is, since I have tried decoding the strings with PHP without any problems.

It might be that I'm missing something in the XML (it's valid XML, so that's not it) but I don't know what it could be.

And I know "others can upload alright". I'm assuming the problem is mine. I just can't find where or why.

These are two examples of upload attempts:

I can't imagine what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying everything I can think of, without any luck.

Can someone at OS run these through the interface and see what the actual problem with them is? What's missing? I've been trying to do MethodHelp on the methods but it's not supported (neither is DescribeMethod, only ListMethods).

In both cases the subtitle is valid for the movie. In one the subtitle is not matched to any specific movie and in the other it's matched, but it's not doing anything.
[url=]OpenSubtitles from your desktop: SolEol for Mac/Windows/Linux[/url]
[url=]My current episode processing work flow[/url].

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Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:05 am

eduo, you got already answer, but maybe it might help for others: you must pass subtitlecontents for each cd, so be aware how you create arrays :)

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